[Voice is scrambled/computerized/whatever you'd like to call it. The caller id is likewise encrypted, courtesy of Near and Hiiro. Deal with it, people.]
Good afternoon.
It is highly inefficient for each of us to go looking for this misplaced blueprint on our own. Therefore, I propose a suggestion: Share information for mutual benefit.
If you would like to collaborate with me, simply provide me the location or list of loctions you have searched so far. In return, I will do the same. We will continue this form of information exchange until one of us finds the blueprint. As you can see, we will cover more ground in a shorter period of time using this method.
One condition: If you find the blueprint first, you will agree to meet with me [By "me," he really means himself and Hiiro as well, but such details aren't necessary], and we will turn it in together. If I find it first, I will likewise seek you out. Obviously, some level of trust is required, but I assure you of my word. Besides, what's most important is for the blueprint to be found so that we may reclaim our manor. There is nothing to lose.
This line will remain open from now until the blueprint is found. Feel free to contact me at any time. I guarantee that I will answer regardless of the time of day.
Well then, I look forward to working with you.
(OOC: Even though this message is posted on Monday, 6/20, manor time, it will last the entire week. What this means is that none of the threads contained in this post must necessarily be taking place on Monday. If your character makes some new discovery Thursday and would like to contact Near, they need not throw up a new network post to the comm. They can just respond to this one and date it in the title or some ooc comment "Thursday" or something like that. Lemme know if this isn't clear!)
[In person to Hiiro Yui. No eavesdropping please! :3]