4rth ritual || Vol'Jin || [in person]

Jun 13, 2011 17:59

[After throwing a cussing fit, upon discovering the hut that he had been SO CLOSE to finishing had MAGICALLY disappeared along with the manor, Vol'jin had gone to try to fix up something temporary. Already he had worked some tall saplings into what appeared to be the basis for a large tent of some sort. Next to the tent was a tall stand, where he was hanging meat for creatures he had killed and skinned... and he made very sure it was high and out of reach from any prying little humans. Of course he's also got his raptor tethered up by the meat as well. Making it VERY clear he wasn't very fond of the idea of sharing.

He was sat on a log outside in front of this temporary establishment, working on treating the hides for the animals he had killed, his bow and quiver perched next to him in case he spotted a rabit or something of the like run by. Luckily the weather looked like it would be good for a while. Shelter probably wouldn't be needed for at least a few days, plenty of time to get the tent fixed up.]

comment: kuja, plot: homeless, vol'jin

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