Snark 019: Snape [In Person] (Backdated to Thursday)

Jun 10, 2011 09:53

[Against his better judgment, Snape has been drawn to a group of people dressed in black robes.  There are plenty of other absurd costumes, but there are lots of what looks like Hogwarts students here.  Many of them have the House badges sewn onto the robes, but they look different from the robes Snape's wearing.  He ignores them and pushes past  them to see what's going on.

Books.  Well, this can't be too bad.  And it looks like everyone's writing and exchanging ideas.  There's even a panel of people up front offering up writing advice.

Someone taps Snape on the shoulder and brandishes a bunch of papers at him, urging him to read.  They insist that he'll like it, and wink.]


[It's...a story.  A story about Hogwarts.  About Sirius Black, of all people.  And about how he and...wait...]

Why am I in this?

[About how Sirius and Snape are desperately in love and sometimes, when no one else is around, they sneak off to the Forbidden Forest and they...]

AAAAAARGH!  What the hell is this?!

severus snape, comment: kaoru hitachiin, plot: manorcon, comment: pinoko

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