Goku Time!! [action] oo9

Jun 06, 2011 13:19

[ Okay so Goku has just picked up his little bag of con goodies, complete with map and schedule. He even has a spiffy little con badge hanging around his neck with his name scribbled on it that has a picture of Haruhi Suzumiya. Needless to say, he has no idea what the heck is going on but it sure does seem fun! He's currently trying to figure out the map to see where the food court is. ]



[ A girl and two of her friends quickly rush over and he soon finds himself surrounded by underage fangirls. ]

Do I... know you or something?

"Eee! You look so awesome!"
"Can I get your picture?!"

[ He was replied with a compliment, another question, and a high pitched demand. None of which answered his question, and he couldn't even respond to theirs. He got yanked into a picture, while a small purple haired girl grabbed him into a hug. ]

Eheh, uhm hey uh... do any of you know where I can get something to eat?

"Aw! That's so cute!"
"It's just down this way, past the AMV rooms."

[ Okay well at least he got some kinda answer. After having to practically pry the loud one off of himself, he set out towards the food court. Thankfully he had a box of chocolate pocky to hold him over till then. ]

goku, plot: manorcon

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