.:10:. [In Person]

Jun 02, 2011 16:57

[Lotti rather enjoys the manor being expanded. Sure, she still couldn't get out no matter how much she tried, even to the point when she once woke up with the words 'Ha Ha' written on the ceiling. For now all she could do was relax and think of her next plan of action. Sitting on the beach in a small bikini, Lotti laid there quietly, thinking, ( Read more... )

charlotte 'lotti' baskerville, plot: expansion!

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In Person (I am sorry) beautiful_brute June 2 2011, 16:32:17 UTC
[Speaking of pretty boy princesses, one happens to be walking roughly in the same location as Lotti before spotting her laying on the beach. Zarbon glances her direction, wondering if maybe she's been killed off again (though that seems too much to hope for). Logic would dictate leaving her alone if he has nothing nice to say, but that's never been how Zarbon rolls.

He approaches.]

I see an otherwise lovely beach view is ruined by your presence.



In Person (Sorry for what?) bloodlicklotti June 2 2011, 16:40:45 UTC
[Well, well, look what the cat brought here, spat out then slobbered all over to then leave for dead. It's a shame this hadn't actually happened, a girl can dream can't she? Sitting up, the look of none amusement plastered all over her face, seriously thought, when were you going to die and where can she get tickets?]

Big sis would say the same to you, although the view would be much prettier with your dead corpse hanging all that sweetly over there.


In Person (Making you suffer through Zarbon :P) beautiful_brute June 2 2011, 16:46:32 UTC

As if you would ever be able to accomplish such a feat.

[Braid flip.]

Is there some reason you've decided to remove your clothing? You can't possibly think anyone would want to look at you.

[Ok, admittedly, by Zarbon's standards, she is acceptably pretty; he's not gonna be saying as much, however.]


In Person (But Lotti gets some sick thrill out of suffering of others... OK except herself) bloodlicklotti June 2 2011, 16:55:08 UTC
Making you pine for freedom like a good puppy is more likely than seeing your pretty princess corpse hanging in the manor.

[Sitting up, Lotti ties her hair up.]

Because big sister can if she wants. Are you jealous?


In Person beautiful_brute June 2 2011, 16:58:21 UTC
Jealous? Of what?

[Zarbon folds his arms.]


In Person bloodlicklotti June 2 2011, 18:32:22 UTC
Because Big sister is much more beautiful than you.

[Oh yeah, she said it, and see that smirk across her face, enjoys seeing what you will react.]


In Person beautiful_brute June 2 2011, 20:29:28 UTC

Clearly this woman was delusional.]

More beautiful than me? How amusing.


In Person bloodlicklotti June 3 2011, 07:32:02 UTC
[Well, it's fun to pick at weak points now isn't it?]

You say the words like a big dog, but really big sister sees that you're a scared little puppy over it. Why else would you be so mean to big sis?


In Person beautiful_brute June 3 2011, 14:11:32 UTC
Scared? Of what? I know how I look and it's certainly more beautiful than you.


In Person bloodlicklotti June 3 2011, 15:31:40 UTC
[She smirked, laying down once again as she looked at the sky before raising a leg in the air.]

Well then, if your so sure about that, then I'll leave you to believe your funny little fantasy's, but big sister doesn't care either way little puppy.


In Person beautiful_brute June 3 2011, 15:38:57 UTC
[Zarbon's not sure what to make of this body language. Or the fixation on "puppies" today.]

Hmph. As if you could ever hope to compete with one such as myself.


In Person bloodlicklotti June 5 2011, 10:57:00 UTC
[She's just bored, the puppies... she doesn't have a reason for except you remind her of a dog. Bark like a good doggy now princess.]

Big sister didn't say anything about competing, because we all know what would happen, little princess.

[She finally stands up, making her way to a pile of her clothes and went through her stuff.]


In Person beautiful_brute June 5 2011, 12:17:10 UTC

And what are you doing now?


In Person bloodlicklotti June 5 2011, 12:37:42 UTC
[Now trying to play the cute card.]

Big sis is looking through her belongings, don't peak now okay?


In Person beautiful_brute June 5 2011, 13:38:58 UTC
Peak? As if you have anything I want to look at.

[Because that doesn't sound fey at all]


In Person bloodlicklotti June 6 2011, 12:51:24 UTC
Poor princess, doesn't know when not to be rude to big sister.

[She pulls out her daggers as usual and a little bag that's usually placed on the thigh.]


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