
Jun 01, 2011 11:24

[Holding up a rubber duck thanks to the works according to this post 17 looks rather perplexed. It isn't every day you see an army of bright yellow floating merrily down the stream. And every other source of water one could encounter.] Is this some kind of a joke? It's a little funny, but I don't get the point.

android 17, plot: expansion!, comment: near

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Video beautiful_brute June 1 2011, 17:04:11 UTC
Much like everything else here, I doubt there is a sound reason.


Video rcklssanarchist June 1 2011, 17:08:09 UTC
[Stares at the river of them, an angry look on his face as if they were mocking him with their existence.] I could obliterate all of them if I wanted to!


Video beautiful_brute June 1 2011, 17:10:02 UTC
Then why don't you?


Video rcklssanarchist June 1 2011, 17:14:40 UTC
Not really much of a challenge, wouldn't you say? It would be more like a carnival game than anything. [Which is still FUN..]


Video- Now I wish I'd tagged you with Burter instead, so he COULD propose a game of it beautiful_brute June 1 2011, 17:16:57 UTC
I don't know why we should have to put up with such things in the first place.


To whom are those things pleasant to look upon?


Video rcklssanarchist June 1 2011, 17:20:22 UTC
[Goku apparently loves them...]

A child, maybe?


Video beautiful_brute June 1 2011, 17:21:52 UTC
Has the author placed them here because she thinks we're all children?


Video rcklssanarchist June 1 2011, 17:30:25 UTC
Maybe she figured we needed a little joy.

Or something to shoot at. [Straight from the tip of his finger a piercing beam of light quickly shoots forward towards the stream, hitting one of the plastic toys and blasting it from the water.] It could be like a game..


Video beautiful_brute June 1 2011, 17:34:01 UTC
Joy? From those?


I will leave that to you.


Video rcklssanarchist June 1 2011, 17:44:16 UTC
Sometimes people can be brought joy from the stupidest, simplest forms.

It's ridiculous.

[BLAST! There goes another one.] It's a shame they didn't try to get away or anything. That might be fun...


Video beautiful_brute June 1 2011, 17:46:48 UTC
Maybe some people.

[Implication: People below me.]


Video rcklssanarchist June 1 2011, 21:28:39 UTC
Oh yeah? [You talkin' about him, Zarbon?] What do you do for fun, then?


Video beautiful_brute June 1 2011, 21:38:21 UTC
I find more productive ways to spend my time.


Video rcklssanarchist June 1 2011, 21:41:00 UTC
Doing...? [Still blasting ducks here. It's hardly a challenge, but it's something. Maybe he should be productive like Zarbon!]


Video beautiful_brute June 1 2011, 21:44:24 UTC
[Oh so productive.]

I don't know that it's worth discussing with you.



Video rcklssanarchist June 1 2011, 21:47:25 UTC
Not good enough for you? Aw, my feelings. [Sarcasm alert!! More of those rubber ducks go flying out of the water. 17 is seriously considering turning this into a game of some sort.]


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