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LOL A REAL MAN aizensrainman May 29 2011, 19:59:26 UTC
[[Wonderweiss has been hearing stuff all over, the fish squirm or the other things around here move, maybe even other people being devoured. He's not sure. Not really caring either, it really IS a nice, good day. His eyes are shut a little to enjoy the sounds of the expelled gases of his victims as the machines wind down.

But his eye peeks open when he hears the familiar voice of one of his humans. He's slowly blinking once more, staring at the human who's all over the injuries he sustained and is oblivious to other than pangs of what he's assuming is supposed to be associated with negative feeling. Huh. But the human is damaged as well and Weiss sits up in time to catch a mechanical leg bent on skewering his human; bend it off and toss it to the side with much effort, there. At least the bodies stopped snapping by now.]]

Auh- fiess. Fii. .sh

[[He nods his head, the fish happened of course. Though worse for ware himself, he's not the one that's looking as bad as Gokudera does to him- humans are fragile from what he remembers save for the ones helping Shinigami.]]

[[He raises his arm and was going to shove some blood off for his human, except he realizes faintly that his own outfit is dyed. Huh. Well that's kinda moot point. ...With a little taste-test he can assume its his own, which is what he does. Test it. Like any child-mind would.]]


REAL MEN WALK IT OFF! killer_melon May 31 2011, 18:22:32 UTC
...Fish? Y-you were fishin'?

[Hayato runs his hands over his face and shakes it for a moment]

Uh... Margera usually y'only try ta fish what people can eat... it ain't worth gettin' mauled over ya'Know?

[He looked the Arrancar over again, he looked much worse off then Hayato, at least by human standards]

If we get back ta my place I can try ta fix ya up some... Can ya walk?...I can carry ya if... ya really need me to...


LOL "LIVER? FUCK THAT, TAKE A WALK." aizensrainman June 1 2011, 02:00:21 UTC
[[Weiss rolls one of his shoulders, deftly, tiredly looking at his friend, it's more a dumb/blank look than normal while he stares. He wishes he could explain himself, but really the words kind of roll through his head and he just stares down at Gokudera's knee. Some how his knee is pretty interesting. From there it's back to his eyes when he's asked about being carried.

Fixed up?
...Fix him?
Does that mean he's broken? He looks down at himself, he's seen worse on lesser Arrancar- but he's not sure what Gokudera's actually getting at. Even though his face doesn't show it, he just sort of shakes his head. Had it been Ulquiorra it may have been understood that he didn't understand--

The word 'fix' hits him again.

Is he developing cracks? Shatter marks? The last bit of his memories from home start trickling in and he stares at his injuries trading a glance at his own leg again. He doesn't want to shatter. He hadn't thought of shattering- maybe that's what Ulquiorra was going on about.]]

Huauuhu... 'era
Fhhe- ..Fhix?


I ONLY NEED HALF A LIVER! IT'S COOL BRO! killer_melon June 1 2011, 02:25:12 UTC
Yeah, uh...

[Well judging by how the Arrancar kept looking himself over something got lost in translation]

Fix you up, like your injuries... bandage them up and stuff... I uh...

[He looks down at himself and chuckles a little, rubbing the back of his neck]

I gotta fix up myself some too... I'm kind of a wreck.


JUST DONT TAZE ME aizensrainman June 1 2011, 02:41:51 UTC
[[By the end of it, he's more looking for cracks. He shouldn't have to worry about it in this form -- he stares upward at Gokudera as he explains a little more. He's never been bandaged.

Drug back and slumped somewhere while Tousen undoubtedly lectured him about the finer points of how being injured is making yourself generally useless to Aizen-Sama. Truth though.]]

Ngh.. Fhex.

[[He tries to stand, gets to about one knee and then winces. He knows how pliable the skin of the sharks is, he's dug his hand into them in the water and uses that to his advantage. His hands move as though they were clawing, sticking his fingers wetly into the flesh of the legless leg machine. He gets up to his good leg, but the other looks a little worse for wear. There's major 'fixes' needing to be done and he reaches down with his free hand in retaliation and takes that bottom Jaw out. He'll be keeping this trophy thank you.

As for walking, he's not even sure he's going to be doing that for a little while let alone able to open Garganta or Sonido with the human held. Nope. He's here with Sharky and George for the time being. Though it's normal, he's in a slouchy position more so than his every-day derp look. The Jaw isn't heavy, it's just that he's not feeling steady on his feet yet.]]


...<_<... >_> not even a little? killer_melon June 1 2011, 03:59:25 UTC
[The teens brows knit together looking over Wonderweiss's leg, before he sighs he shakes his head.]

You can't walk on that. C'mere.

[The teen walks over to Wonderweiss and slings the arrancar's arm over his shoulder and gestures for him to get on his back]

hold on with your arms and I'll carry your legs. Got it? I'll carry you to the hotel.


OK You convinced me rofl aizensrainman June 1 2011, 06:06:49 UTC
[[Weiss stares at Gokudera as he gets close, glad he's de-legged the one closest to where he's standing. His human is already inj--..

He stares at Gokudera's hand on him, it's long seconds before he's figuring out that this isn't some sort of attack, a way to reef on his already sore limbs, or any sort of thing he-

...Wants to carry him.

It's not easy, but, Weiss gets there, laying his head much like a little kid against the back of Gokudera's neck with a little displeased noise at the way his body wants to hate the fun it had.

He supposes it makes sense for a Human to carry him. He's got no understanding its out of kindness, though. He doesn't comprehend that.]]


...8D ....*TAZE* killer_melon June 1 2011, 20:57:17 UTC
[Well it's no easy task hauling the extra weight for a block, but the teen manages, despite having it take a VERY long time. He kicks doors open, welcoming the fresh feeling of AC. Carrying a 90 pound arrancar for a block in Hawaii sucked. He trudges on through the halls only lets go of Wonderweiss for the few moments it takes to press the elevator buttons and open the door to him room, but while he does so he leans forward enough to Keep Wonderweiss on his back.

When it finally comes time to put the Arrancar down, Hayato does so by a chair. While he goes hobbling off for the first aide stuff he bought... because he knows he's always going to need it. He comes back and sits in the chair opposite of Wonderweiss]

Alright Margera, show me your injuries.


*twitch* .............. Insert "Hollow" joke here. aizensrainman June 1 2011, 23:37:02 UTC
[[The small consolation should be that Weiss isn't Grimmjow. That'd be the heck of a thing to try and carry anywhere. Either way, the sword probably isn't helping either. He's most certainly not going to leave it, though.

He makes small noises at things, passing people, objects or the like, but he's not keen on falling off of Gokudera's back and therefore keeps his hands properly linked. At least he's smart enough not to yank back and choke the poor human- this wouldn't work out in his favour either. ...It makes it a little hard to nab things, but his arm is hurt to begin with and again the falling isn't something he's so interested in doing.]]


[[He huffs and puts his forehead, cold as it is, against the back of Gokudera's neck, peeking out at any passer's by from under his blond hair. Yet another thing up on Ulquiorra, up until his time of shattering, he doesn't remember Ulquiorra's human carrying him about okay he's injured but his mind is wandering. His mind wanders all over until Gokudera's got him seated in a chair and shows this 'hobble', that attracts his attention; mildly as it's only because he's walking oddly at this time.

He understands the command and with a little unpleasant look at his leg and his uniform. His fingers dig into the fabric and he pulls it back, ripped uniforms usually get one in trouble but there's nothing to do about it after the fact. From there he sets the fabric down and looks up at Gokudera, pointing his finger.

Alright he showed you his now show him yours.
That's the point right? To show off the injuries then fix them? Surely that's what humans do right? Right.]]


FFFFFT BEST HOLLOW JOKE EVAR. killer_melon June 2 2011, 01:16:55 UTC
[Hayato grunts as he eases himself on the ground, quite sore himself, and takes out his glasses to start looking over the arrancar's leg. He grimaces at the sight...]

Shit that looks nasty...

[The teen pulls out a cloth and a bottle of water starts trying to clean the blood away. Damn that was a nasty-ass injury. It would probably need stitches which he could never pull off... best thing he could do was try to bind the ripped flesh together until someone who knew what they were doing could stitch it up right. Well first thing's first- gotta clean it out.]

Alright this is gunna sting a bit... but it's gunna clean out the injury so it doesn't get infected.

[He's seen how strong Wonderweiss was... he didn't want to be on the receiving end of that just because he gave him a surprise sting... in fact he should probably elaborate on what getting an infected injury IS.]

'Cause if it gets infected it'll swell out to three times it's normal size then fall off.

[And by elaborate he meant lie.

And time to take out the alcohol. He pours it on the towel and starts dabbing at the injury with it. Once satisfied that it's clean, he get out the 'butterfly bandages', he usually just used them for the billion times he's split his lip, but if he put gauze on top of them and wrapped the bandages a bit tightly it should all hold in place... as long as he kept off it for a while.]

Alright this ain't gunna feel too good either, but you're gunna want the injury to heal right...

[And with that he begins pinching the gashes from the teeth together and using the bandages to stick them like that. Then he places the gauze on top and wraps it up. He looks over his work and sighs, running a hand over his hair, the moisture from his sweat held it back in place, keeping it out of out of his face and eyes.]

Alright, anything else?


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