
May 18, 2011 15:09

[Hello, Manor. There is a shirtless, finely-chiseled, teal skinned man addressing you from the beach. From the way the image is transmitting, one might think he wants everyone to take notice of his amazing physique, but that would be ridiculous. He smirks and flips a sea-drenched braid over his shoulder with a chuckle.]

What glorious weather... how unfortunate we can't always be so lucky.

[He pushes aside a some stray hairs from his face in manner that might be taken as suggestive, but again, how silly it would be to think that.]

Tell me, has anyone found anything particular good to eat on this island?

[Zarbon folds his arms.]

It seems I'm rather hungry after all that swimming and I would like to eat something better than what we've been stuck with these past few weeks.

[Yep, he's just gonna stare at y'all through the Blackberry and wait for suggestions.]

plot: hawaiian vacation

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