[Video] || hunt 4 ||

May 12, 2011 13:40

[Dean's looking thoughtful when he turns the communicator on. If he hadn't been distracted earlier in the week, he would have got around to this earlier. As it is, he's doing it now.]

Has anyone had any encounters with the psycho that has survived? [His hand reaches up to the cowboy hat on his head -Jake's hat- adjusting it without really ( Read more... )

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[Video/ Private] big_bang_blue May 12 2011, 13:24:22 UTC
[He's relieved that Dean's in a better state which makes things a little easier on the terms of being civil.]

Well, it was a pretty hard decision to make but you seem to have adjusted fine. It's called a De-Gun. All I did was dehydrate you and reverted you back. It took us a little longer than we had anticipated to find your room.

I hope it wasn't too severe.

As far as the victims go, I can't say that I noticed a connection. The girl in the shower...I heard about it but I've never seen it. If you're looking at a physical connection...I would say probably they're under 20.


Re: [Video/ Private] 100deaths_a_day May 12 2011, 13:38:56 UTC
[He laughs] I fell on my ass about 50 times, but that's about it. That, and I felt like I'd been dosed up 'til I was high as a kite in the hospital again.

And believe me, I've had worse. [Much much worse]

It can be any connection at all. And Jake... he was the first one, I think, He was older than that. I'd put him at about my age-- maybe a few years younger but not many. [Frustrated sigh, and he takes off the hat to run his hands through his hair, before putting it back on his head.] I've been on hunts with less, and got more freaking results. I don't get it.


[Video/ Private] big_bang_blue May 12 2011, 20:01:23 UTC
[He didn't take Jake into account and this puzzles even himself.]

Hm, that's a complicated piece. So do you think that maybe the Auth-or is tossing things around just to see how far she can push us re-see-dents? This all seems a bit chaotic to be methodical, I must say. Hm...

[Thinking alien isn't good with forensics.]

Without the proper tools, it's a little hard to get a good bead on what's really going on. Some seem like...I don't know, equi-vee-lant to slasher movies. I know of one guy that's an expert at them. Kaoru Hitachin. He has a hobby in horror movies. Oh...wait...never mind, he's gone into the big sleep too.

Gah! This is frustrating!


Re: [Video/ Private] 100deaths_a_day May 12 2011, 20:46:49 UTC
I can do horror movies with the best of them - even if most of them are written like a bunch of crap. And this thing does stink of movie cliche.

At first I was thinking spirit, but... I think you could be right with the author. [It clicks] Like the damned shower thing. that has Psycho written all over that crap.


[Video/ Private] big_bang_blue May 12 2011, 20:54:46 UTC
Yeah, that alone is poking the veil in the worst possible way. Oh, brother, this really stinks of Frightnight.


Re: [Video/ Private] 100deaths_a_day May 12 2011, 21:10:30 UTC
It does, and not in the good way.

[He runs a hand over his jaw as he thinks] If it is the author, then that thing is like a tulpa. And that means we can't kill it.



[Video/ Private] big_bang_blue May 12 2011, 21:26:34 UTC
That sounds increasingly unpleasant. I suggest sticking to pairs.


Re: [Video/ Private] 100deaths_a_day May 12 2011, 22:06:30 UTC
IT sounds like a plan. I''ll probably try to help out anybody who gets caught by it... without being immediately killed. [His hand unconcious adjusts the hat]

...Keep a close eye on Roxanne. I was talking to her earlier, and she said she's been hearing bumps and things. I don't know if that means... but I will be trying to help others out, so it means I can't keep as close of an eye as I would like. Especially if it is like a tulpa.


[Video/ Private] big_bang_blue May 13 2011, 01:48:14 UTC
I don't know what a tulpa is but I'll keep that in mind and I'll keep a close watch on Roxanne. Thanks.

[He's not going to say it out loud but he knows that Roxanne can take care of herself.]


Re: [Video/ Private] 100deaths_a_day May 13 2011, 06:14:43 UTC
[He does to, but he's a creature of habit.]

Tulpa... To give you the cliff-notes: you imagine it, it's real - thoughtforms is the word. Can't kill it, or effectively slow it down because, well, you need to kill the idea not the thing itself.


[Video/ Private] big_bang_blue May 13 2011, 16:24:14 UTC
So what you're telling me is...it's an imaginary friend gone wrong?

[Yikes, that sounds bad.]


Re: [Video/ Private] 100deaths_a_day May 13 2011, 16:44:20 UTC
[Thinking about it] ......Yeah, basically.


[Video/ Private] big_bang_blue May 20 2011, 21:45:40 UTC
[Sputters and laughs.]

Yeaah, I'll keep that in mind when I meet Big Foot in the hall.

[He's not taking this as seriously as he should.]


Re: [Video/ Private] 100deaths_a_day May 21 2011, 08:19:23 UTC
Yeah, laugh it up chuckles.

[In his line of work, he's used to people laughing at him or calling him crazy (or both) when he tells them what it is he does and hunts.]

And anyway, big foot's a myth. This is real.


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