[Video] || Hunt 2 ||

May 05, 2011 08:58

[The feed clicks on, and somebody's looking a little put out. When he'd spoken with the doctor in the first place, his hopes had been raised. Forest full of animals. It would be crappy, but it was necessary.

So he'd taken a walk down to the forest. and guess what guys: animals were sparse, and there was nothing bigger than a raccoon. No damned thing worth eating - no way were they big enough. He knows, he tried it.]

If anyone wants meat, there's a few squirrels, and crap like that, but nothing bigger than a raccoon. If you want me to bring anything, let me know.

[[OOC: It's probably a good thing to mention that, even though it's a day after his fight with Zuko, His burn loks like it's been healing for a weak. It's still pretty scabbed, but it's not red raw like it was, and it's not peeling anymore. It's on the bottom left half of his face (the other burns are covered by clothes) ...and Zuko, you might notice it's smaller than it was, but there's no scar tissue left behind it.]]

comment: jake marshall, comment: megamind, dean winchester, comment: fai d. flourite, plot: abandoned manor 2, comment: zuko, comment: roxanne ritchi

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