Cake & OCD 003 - [Video / Garbled Audio]

May 03, 2011 21:57

[[The screen may look as though it's going to be showing someone's face about any moment, but it seems otherwise has been planned for the system by the giant "
" spaced out on the screen in a fancy lettering. Guess who's found his predecessor's method for posting anonymously in this fashion at least? His voice is high, garbled and un-gender-specific via this method though there is a hint of baritone in the after-effect.]]

This is L.
I've noticed from a recent arson that many detectives have come forward to 'solve' this rather hum drum case. So this begs the question, just how many people out there are detectives or involved in enforcement for that matter? My curiosity has gotten the best of me.

I refuse to respond to anyone not using a secure, unhackable line.

That is all.


[Later//In Person -- Locked to BB.]
[[L is having a horrible time trying to move something he's deeming clean enough to take with him to his room from in the hallway that he's currently calling the way to his home. He's got his sleeves down over his hands and wants more than anything to not be touching the dirt infested room or the large book-case that he's trying to move right that moment. He sighs after a mighty effort of a pull and stands back with frustration on his sighed breath.]]

Ugh. I wish Watari was here.

[[He blinks and looks over his shoulder toward the end of the hall when he hears some creaking, furthermore to the other side when he hears creaking again. It's not until the book-case is almost on top of him that he tries his best to move out of the way and after the dust settles, L tries to crawl out of it, coughing and sputtering.

He pauses and looks back when his legs won't move and shares both a 'FML' moment and a moment of despair. The damned thing has fallen on his legs and though it doesn't feel like they're broken, that thing - be as strong as he is - isn't moving from the position of almost flat on his face that he ends up in if he doesn't twist himself around.]]


comment: jake marshall, comment: beyond birthday, comment: conan edogawa [kudo shinichi], comment: hakuba saguru, comment: near, l lawliet, comment: tom hanson

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