▓ Martini 14 ▓ // Alas poor Yorick I knew him well! [In Person]

Apr 25, 2011 22:04

[Upon seeing the Manor's state Wallace couldn't help but turn his nose up, shuffling through his things and trying to sweep the dust from it. The martini cabinet Eddie fixed for him is full of probably very stale booze, which leaves Wallace more than a little annoyed. Sighing he opens his window and then starts beating the dust from his pillow. It's at that very moment he looks over to his TV and spots his games consoles buried in a thick caking of dust. His eyes widen and sharply inhales - dropping the pillow in favour of tending to his beloved consoles.]

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

[Desperately he brushes the dust from them and switches them on one by one, checking the state of his games rack. The sight very nearly makes him sob. All of the disks have lazar burns in a very distinctive circle the kind of damage caused when a mass of dust gets clogged in your consoles. All those hours he put into completing or trying to get 100% completion. Putting the disks back in their cases and places in the rack he exhales deeply, trying to get composure. Through gritted teeth he hisses, giving that pungent acidic tone.]

Fuck. You. You stuck up little bitch.

comment: zolf kimblee, plot: abandoned manor, wallace wells

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