Teru Mikami ~11~ Bacteriophobia [In Person]

Apr 25, 2011 19:50

[Mikami is standing in the entrance hall like he was frozen, staring at the messy state of the Manor.
Dirt. Chaos. Dirty chaos! All of his neurotic fears and quirks are going wild inside his brain, his breath quickens slightly.
But he forces himself to stay somewhat calm. He hadn't just survived a week on a foreign planet to lose it at the sight of ( Read more... )

comment: zolf kimblee, plot: abandoned manor, comment: giselle, teru mikami, comment: malone

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Comments 25

I'm sorry for making Teru see this weirdness truehappyending April 25 2011, 18:32:47 UTC
[Giselle had been cleaning a good portion of the day with help from the creatures that lived in the manor and outside, at the entrance hall there was spiders helping to clean things like picture frames and tidying up their own webs and rats running across the floors with little sponges to help clean the floors. Other animals could be seen getting to work as Giselle was wondering about with a duster, happily dusting away at the increased dust that had appeared since they had gone.

She hadn't noticed the man standing until she noticed a dust print.]

Oh, hello there.


Pfft, he can use a little more lovelyness in his live! eliminatecrime April 25 2011, 18:40:52 UTC



[Well, he supposed, he had seen weirder things during his time here. He was much to tired to worry about this too much anyway. As chaotic as it was.. at least the dirt disappeared. That was not that bad.
But Teru still couldn't help looking a bit puzzled.]

Good day.


What, you mean animals that clean up? truehappyending April 25 2011, 18:46:16 UTC
[Giselle smiles as she stops her working for the moment and stands up. The animals on the other hand were still going about working hard for thier friend.]

This whole place is so dirty, it's really odd isn't it?

[She stands there thinking, even in the little time they were away it wouldn't get this bad, at least that what she was thinking currently, but at least she has help to help with the cleaning.]

But, I'm doing my best to clean it up with a little help from my friends.


Exactly xD eliminatecrime April 25 2011, 18:57:03 UTC
[Mikami forces his lips to curl upward a bit, smiling back faintly]

It's very praiseworthy of you... [A pause]... and your friends, I suppose. [What was he even talking about here?]


ofuckitskimblee April 26 2011, 05:20:08 UTC
[[Kimblee's not so scared of the dirt, not as much as he really doesn't want it on his white suit mind you. He's busying himself finding random scraps of this or that to take back with him to the room he chose. Or well, was chosen for him, separating molecules could be a fun job at some times.]]


eliminatecrime April 28 2011, 16:05:50 UTC
[Mikami notices the other man and the fact that he has not seen him before, but choses not to approach him. His nerves are on the edge and he isn't a very social person as long as nobody's life was on risk. So Teru just continues to walk through the ocean of dirt veeeeeeery carefully]


ofuckitskimblee April 28 2011, 16:11:33 UTC
[[Kimblee and Mikami have that in common, not overly-social, but there's no ignoring this man seems to be walking on eggshells as not to disturb what the Alchemist can only assume is the dirt.

Entertained? Slightly. He can't stand men who aren't real men in the long run of it.]]

Not afraid of getting your hands dirty, are you?


eliminatecrime April 28 2011, 16:22:55 UTC
[Mikami turns to look at Kimblee, his expression -guess what, guess what?- a serious lineface.]

I don't think we've met before.

[Yes, he is completly ignoring the mocking words.]


jinglealltehway April 27 2011, 17:37:19 UTC
[The coat closet opens by itself, creaking and...jingling? If Mikami turns around, he'll see Malone peering at him from around the door frame.]

He-lloooooo~ [why yes, that does sound smarmy] Are you new?


eliminatecrime April 28 2011, 16:01:34 UTC
[Why, yes, Mikami does turn around. Oh god, not another freak... Mikami could think of better things to do than deal with that now. Then again, he shouldn't judge to fast, he reminds himself.]

No, I've been here for months now.


jinglealltehway April 30 2011, 13:34:53 UTC
Oh, you have? [he crawls out of the closet - yes, hands and knees - in a path that is not directly towards Mikami, then crouches like a frog] I guess that make me the new guy, then! So sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Malone, the Human Key. [yep, still smarmy]


eliminatecrime May 1 2011, 17:26:45 UTC
My name is Teru Mikami, I'm a prosecutor.
[He can't bring himself to say 'nice to meet you', but is staying polite and doesn't let his irritations about the other's way of acting show through]


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