The Doctor | 023 | Video | Backdated a bit

Apr 20, 2011 22:10

Okay, so!

We landed on a strange planet and we don't know what's on it- don't know what we can and can't eat and there is a thick forest-type thing- so let's all do the obvious and try not to wander off.

comment: hayato gokudera, comment: rose tyler, comment: hiiro yui, the doctor (11), plot: alien survival, comment: tom hanson

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[Text] blueeyekamikaze April 21 2011, 03:36:34 UTC
Our best bet is to hide ourselves until help arrives. You're telling people to sit like fish in a barrel waiting to be plucked out by the highest bidder- or in this case the first predator that comes along.


[Text] 11_sies April 21 2011, 03:38:07 UTC
I never said that- I only said not to wander off, there's safety in numbers, after all.


[Text] blueeyekamikaze April 21 2011, 03:40:42 UTC
If you mean stay near the burning craft, then again I call the thought ridiculous.


[Text] 11_sies April 21 2011, 03:42:36 UTC
Never said that either- but we should all stick together- maybe work out a buddy system.


[Text] blueeyekamikaze April 21 2011, 03:46:46 UTC
When I hear startled screaming, I'll know to come help.


[Text] 11_sies April 21 2011, 03:49:12 UTC
It'd be more effective to stick together.


[Text] blueeyekamikaze April 21 2011, 03:50:26 UTC
Bigger group, bigger target.
Should I encounter something hostile, I'll be sure to let you know.


[Text] 11_sies April 21 2011, 03:52:03 UTC
Ah, but the bigger the group, lower chance that anything nasty will succeed in picking people off.


[Text] blueeyekamikaze April 21 2011, 03:55:35 UTC
So I gathered from your implication.


[Text] 11_sies April 21 2011, 06:07:19 UTC
If you want to help, go and help the injured- I think there were a few that got off with a bit more than scrapes and bruises.


[Text] blueeyekamikaze April 21 2011, 08:23:33 UTC
You're assuming I'm not already helping the injured. You make too many assumptions, sir.


[Text] 11_sies April 21 2011, 08:29:36 UTC
I'm not making any more than you have-

oh by the way- I know I said no one should wander off but seeing as I'm the oldest and probably the smartest one here- I'm going to have a look around.

Not that I need to tell you that, mind- but if anyone asks for The Doctor- tell them I'll be back in an hour or so- hopefully.


[Text] blueeyekamikaze April 21 2011, 10:29:19 UTC
Why exactly are you telling me in particular? I'm uninterested in your gathering of people as long as there's no distress.


[Text] 11_sies April 21 2011, 18:52:51 UTC
No real reason, actually. Just in case you come across someone looking for me- I don't want anyone else wandering off- I'm only going because I know what I'm doing.


[Text] blueeyekamikaze April 21 2011, 21:21:34 UTC
Just what sort of 'Doctor' are you?


[Text] 11_sies April 21 2011, 22:55:13 UTC
Not a doctor-- The Doctor.


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