Page Ten || Delirium! [Accidental Video]

Apr 08, 2011 17:58

[When the feed comes on, the viewer is treated to is a peaceful view of Light's ceiling. The accompanying audio is a horrible retching noise, followed by what sounds like metal being dragged against hardwood floor. It's the sound of Light reaching feebly for the trash can, as his stomach forcibly ejects its empty contents. It's followed by labored breathing, and after a brief moment, a barely audible hoarse whisper.]

...Mmnk...Damn... I- I didn't think... don't want.... to... haa... haa... not.. like this...

[He coughs twice. As he pulls the blanket around him, the Blackberry falls off the bed, landing on its side with a clutter by Light's feet. Light's hair is slick from sweat, his face flushed from high fever... but despite all this, he's shivering violently. There are spots of blood on his chin that he has failed to wipe away. Staring at the blood on his hands, he mumbles incoherently, completely unaware that the video feed is on.] red... apples... right? ....リ-.....リンゴ.....持って...いない (I don't have any apples.)....

[Suddenly, he begins to stand up, but can't quite make it. He trips over his own limbs and lands heavily on his hands and knees. Light doesn't make any attempt to pick himself up off the floor. He can barely hold himself in the crawling position. His arms shake from trying to support his weight, and eventually, they cave.]

..... lea...leave...alone...

[He drops flat onto the floor and he stays that way until the feed ends.]

comment: naomi misora, comment: sayu yagami, light yagami, comment: near, comment: l lawliet, comment: conan edogawa [kudo shinichi], comment: hiiro yui, plot: epidemic

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