[Since the destruction of the forest, Megamind has been contemplating on using his dehydration gun to help in the effort. At the very least, it would look better. Unsure if he should, he looks from the left and right and pulls out the gun
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As he reached the forest and spotted Megamind, he stopped walking. He had gotten along pretty well with that person over the Blackberry. However, meeting an alien in person was certainly different. Especially if the alien was carrying a gun like that. Ryuutaro half-wanted to turn around and walk away, but he was curious. For a moment he just stood still, observing the other.
Then he opened his fan and put on a smile.]
Despite the depressing envriroment, you seem to be in an extremely good mood, Megamind-san.
[He usually wouldn't use suffixes on an alien or even anybody, but since Megamind seemed to be interested in Japanese...]
I'm doing a little cleaning. Nothing to be alarmed about.
[Now it was time to pick up the cubes that were there and put them away which is a lot. If he had his dehydration canon, it would be a whole lot easier but now wasn't really the time to think of what he didn't have.]
So, how is everyone treating you?
Which admittedly isn't enough to make this forced stay really enjoyable, but I'm getting used to the situation. [Actually, by now he decided that something as big as this had to be fate and being the boy he was, Ryuutaro was always ready to accept fate and fulfill it.]
And you?
[Along with the words he points the fan at Megamind slightly]
For the most part, my reception wasn't so bad. Still, it's finding my place again that's got me a little on the edge and teetering before the big fall. Other than that, I'm doing okay.
That all people here were carried to this place can't just be a coincidence. In fact, it has to be fate. And if this place was destined for us by fate then I think it's safe to say this is your place. You just need some time to accept it.
[In this boy's mind logic like this makes perfect sense]
[Confused now, Megamind still feels he has a choice.]
Call it fate, destiny, whatever, fate plays a big part yes but don't you think that it's a little too one sided being here?
[turning his wrist in a circle]
Then again, it was one sided when I landed on Earth.
Fate leaves the little choices to the people, but the big things will most certainly make their way. I know what I'm saying, I've been watching developement like this my whole life.
Yep, just as I thought. Fate is one sided. Although, I like what fate has given me so I have no complaints.
Fate isn't cruel after all. Usually not. [He falls silent for a moment, lost in memories.]
You're thinking...aren't you? You know, existential discussions generally make for a good topic to understand oneself.
[Remembering the time that it was only him and Minion, he often thought of things himself and wrote them down or talked to objects to get his thoughts clear.]
I suppose in times like this, it helps to open in your own way. To mark your own path takes effort. Like you said, it's fate that brought us here but it's our choices that make us great or cause our failures.
I was just thinking back a bit. In my world there were some very unpleasant happenings in the recent past, but surprisingly things worked out well, so there's nothing more to talk about. [Actually, for him there probably is, but he doesn't acknownledge that. He is just glad to be out of that prison room in the Dark Nebula building, to have Thermal Pisces back.]
And in this place, it won't matter anymore anyway. It's a different future opening for all of us.
Apparently so. Still, the acceptance of this structure has yet to be determined.
I can't say I like it either. But if that's how it is, I think settling down and making the best of out it is the most reasonable choice.
[He's grinning of course. A little teasing never hurts to break the ice.]
And it makes us come to the valuable realization that opinions vary from person to person.
You have a point.
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