[For anyone going into the kitchen, they’ll see someone bent over one of the counter tops. Upon closer inspection, it's Leonardo, muttering to himself in Italian. Straightening up a little, it becomes clear that he has completely taken his blackberry apart, all the pieces laid out side by side. He looks like a child on Christmas day, his sky-blue
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Grazie Signore. I don't suppose you could tell me what else it can do? Please, any and every detail
Si, Si..It's incredible, truly..ah, if only we had such devices back in Firenze-
Mi dispiace, I'm sorry - What is your name, Signore? My curiousity temporarily replaced my manners it seems
[He smiles.]
Yer really outta place here, aren't ya? This Manor's got a method of creatin' madness sometimes so yer fine. Better than prison. At least there ain't a dull moment.
Si, it seems that way - but, it's all so interesting, I can't seem to find the time to be out of my element
Wait until the Author finds a way t' mess with ya. As much as I like t' think that it'll let up soon, somethin' else goes screwy.
What has she done in the past?
Dinosaurs..? Please, elaborate!
[Since dinosaurs were discovered after his time, you're about to open a shop full of worms]
Strabiliante! *Amazing! - Oh, if only I had been brought here a week earlier! The chance to study such creatures would have been incredible! The size of elephants, you say? How fascinating!
[He giggles, or at least the manlier version of giggling..not that Leonardo is the beacon of manliness...]
Oh, what a place this is..If only I could meet the Author, I would so love to know how she does the things she does!
Yer really gettin' into this.
[Then he starts to laugh.]
Yer an enthusiastic one. I heard rumors that if ya write stuff on th' wall, ya get a response. Try that an' see if it works.
Thank you for your help John, Grazie~
[John gives a small smile and turns off the feed.]
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