.:02:. [In Person]

Mar 08, 2011 15:19

[When the bunny had mentioned the fact that a boat couldn't be controlled by just one person themselves that made the plan she had be of little to no use now without at least getting another person to help her, but she didn't care for much of anyone else that she had met here and the one person she could ask... if given the choice she wouldn't want ( Read more... )

plot: jurassic park, charlotte 'lotti' baskerville, comment: vincent nightray

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[Private] nuitdushasseur March 8 2011, 20:57:57 UTC
Of course. Have something in mind? [Like seeing just how many people it takes to hijack a boat...]


[Private] bloodlicklotti March 8 2011, 21:07:43 UTC
I might do, big sister just need some extra help to get it into motion.

[Just need to hijack the boat like a boss!]


[Private] nuitdushasseur March 10 2011, 06:38:29 UTC
Well then. How could I refuse~? [After all, Leon would be much better to have around, and he was a little shorter than he'd care to admit on ways to defend himself if something decided he looked tasty...]

Are you near the buildings? I should be able to come to you...


[Private] bloodlicklotti March 10 2011, 07:54:02 UTC
No, big sister hasn't been near them for a while.

[Since her fight with Zira actually.]

Boy, you're a little slow, but I'll be a good girl and show you where I am.

[She switches this from text to video as she points it at her surroundings. Big open area with trees on either side and the tree stump that she was sitting on moments ago.]

Big sister is here, but I might make an effort with going near the buildings.


[Private -> In Person] nuitdushasseur March 10 2011, 10:12:31 UTC
[He's been around the grounds enough to have a good guess where that is...he never has really had problems with getting lost.]

I think I can find you from that...I should be there shortly~.

[It ...does take him a little bit of time - particularly since he's being quite wary of being too openly visible and minding his surroundings.]


[In Person] bloodlicklotti March 10 2011, 10:46:34 UTC
[Lotti was once again sitting upon the wood stump waiting right in the open and not really caring if she was seen or heard to anything. Though waiting had been one boring chore that she had to put up with for now the moment she spotted what could only be Vincent, a smirk passed by her lips as she stood up, walking over.]

Certainly taken your time then boy.


[In Person] nuitdushasseur March 10 2011, 20:42:15 UTC
Well, I wouldn't be much help if I were eaten, would I? [Seriously. You've seen his Chain. Where would YOUR bets be on him vs. raptors?]


[In Person] bloodlicklotti March 11 2011, 08:26:39 UTC
[Raptors all the way.]

Your right for once boy.

[For the meantime as she turns around looking off towards one direction.]

The docks are that way, not far from here since big sister was there only a couple hours ago.

[And how do you think she can get there so fast...her chain, which she recently discovered could be used.]


[In Person] nuitdushasseur March 11 2011, 08:44:03 UTC
[Considering what a walk it was getting here, he can see where this is going, too.]

I take it you have Leon then? [He's lapsing into that too-cheerful mode-] That'll certainly make things easier~ We might be able to get there ahead of anyone else.


[In Person] bloodlicklotti March 11 2011, 09:04:15 UTC
Of course, big sister never goes anywhere without him.

[And with that said, Leon appears beside her as she sits on the back of the lion at the front.]

Are you coming boy, or are you going to walk?


[In Person] nuitdushasseur March 12 2011, 16:38:38 UTC
Of course I'm coming.

[He is, at least, smart enough to know that now is a time to behave himself even if he might be a little too amused by the situation.]

[Particularly the part where he probably is going to need to be holding on to Lotti to stay put for this.]


[In Person] bloodlicklotti March 12 2011, 17:49:53 UTC
[Lotti knows if there is any funny business to just dish it right back later, but for now she was in place upon Leon, who by now must be a little use to Lotti having to ride on his back.]

Get on boy, before I change my mind.


[In Person] nuitdushasseur March 13 2011, 16:19:14 UTC
[Vincent is, in fact, getting situated on the Chain's back - as much of a troll as he can be, any lag or shifting has more to do with the fact that lions are Not Built Like Horses than anything, but it doesn't take him long.]


[In Person] bloodlicklotti March 13 2011, 17:16:13 UTC
[Real men ride lions, get use to it. Once Lotti was sure he was on for certain she set off, making sure she had the right grip on Leon as always. Leon running in the direction Lotti makes me him in her own way, dodging through some trees as she went.]


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