[[Unaware he's being watched on some sort of video device, L jerks upright from what could only be the most traumatic thing of his young life. His dark eyes look out from under his messed hair to the sound of his rapidly beating heart in his ears- his heart. ..He touches his chest, looking down there at that point as though that would explain why
Read more... )
But this isn't B, Mikami soon realizes. The features are different, not only slightly, the longer he watches the more things he notices.
Sadly this only leaves one other conclusion and that was just as bad as the previous one.
This was L.
Light had told him about B's obsession with the detective. The way he copied him. This was probably the original. L.
He was supposed to be dead, again Light had told him, but death didn't mean a thing in this world.
Just when things had been going relatively well, without B, without Mello.. just then the Author brings in L.
What was she playing at? Another war of L and Kira? Kira would win again, Kira would always win. It was just so stupid.
And still... If L shared his suspiciousness about Light with the other residents... It wasn't good.
Mikami wonders wether or not he should reply to this. What Light would want. But he knows that Light would want him to avoid any suspicious action. While contacting L was dangerous, Mikami was well aware that he was known as being helpful whenever people needed it.
And L - for whatever reason- was clearly upset and new to this place. If Mikami wouldn't reply, people, especially from their world, might wonder why.
Still, he can't bring himself to do it over voice or video, so he chooses text]
As far as I'm concerned there is no person called Watari here. I assume you are a new arrival. Please take your time to calm down a bit. Afterwards I can explain this place to you, if nobody hasn't already done so.
The sound of his Blackberry going off in this fashion, different than the video feed he had earlier replied to, had him a little bit concerned. Who was it on the other end and why couldn't they show him their face? Instantly he's suspicious of that much. At least they were attempting to help and offering one thing that Ulquiorra and the rest hadn't thusly- direct answers that he'd have at least 76% less reason to disbelieve than if Light said them.
His heart sinks again, further now when he reads that Watari isn't there. How many other people are there?]]
Nothing satisfactory that I'd be willing to believe at full. Who is this and why would you offer to help?
My name is Teru Mikami and it's usual here to welcome new arrivals and explain this world to them. It's in everyone's interest that newbys are soon integrated in our [defintily not] everyday life. This place can be dangerous at times, not knowing about it could be risky. I don't want people to get hurt. [And that's the truth. There are dinsaurs out there. Explaining the Author's world had never been more urgent]
With what sort of dangers? Where is this place?
Our usual envriroment though is a manor that we can not leave. People from different worlds get pulled into this dimension, that is controlled by an allmighty being we call the 'Author'. That 'Author' seems to have fun messing with us, our abilities or our envriroment.
Depending on what world you come from this might be hard or easy to believe. If you want to think that I'm insane, go ahead, it's a natural reaction. But as time goes by you will find out that I'm neither lying nor hallucinating.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
Jurassic Park?
At least you understand I think you're certifiable. However, things have been strange so maybe you're not entirely insane.
[[The really big question he could think of took him a moment longer and he pauses in sending the letter, simply because he's not sure how to phrase it. But if he's here, it may stand to reason...]]
I have only one question, has a person regarding themselves as an arm of justice, one named 'Kira' surfaced here? Or a strange strain of heart-attacks been a problem with the criminal element around your 'environment'?
Yes, I fully understand. I thought the same about the first persons I met here. However, I am completly sane. If you go outside you will see cages with living dinsaurs in them. That would prove at least one part of my words.
No. There is no such person in this place. And if they were here, they haven't made a move to be noticed yet.
All the deaths that occured since I arrived here have been explained and the killers were caught. [After too many days... too many victims... So many detectives... so few people to protect. And yet they had all failed. This shouldn't happen again. Not ever again]
L's not about to go outside to see about Dinosaurs though, he's not that keen on finding out if there's a sniper on the roof, but he does move to the window and looks out more, trying to make out little things here or there and this is why it takes him a while to reply.
He's not sure, also, if he's happy to hear Kira hadn't made it or if he's mad that he won't be able to prove he was right or find who it was if he was wrong.]]
I saw what you meant out the windows. As for the other situation, that's all I needed to know.
If you don't have further questions, I wish you good luck with getting used to the situation.
[A casual conversation. This shouldn't be too suspicious to anybody, even if they knew him better]
[[That's the polite thing to say right? right, he thinks so at least.]]
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