[Nina's stood outside one of the Raptor pens, several feet away from the glass. She's certainly looked less scared, and the Raptor on the other side seems almost too interested. The enclosures, the on going theme thoughout the hotel she'd woken up in....she knew where tey were this week, and if it was anything like the movies?]
..This isn't going to
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You shouldn't be here.
..Then why are you here?
Keeping the boundary between man and beast very clear. As much as I like being close to nature, I don't like to be recycled, if you know what I mean.
..Alright..but, this is anything like the movies, we'll have at least a few days of peace before they..
[Just the thought of there suddenly not being any enclosures has the end of her sentence hitched in her throat]
[He takes off running toward the compound.]
[When she glances over again and see's him runing off, she just watches him go. That was short lived...she didn't even know who it was..]
There you are. I was looking everywhere for you.
[He smiles catching up to her. He has no idea what this place really is since the movie came out after his time.]
[Taking the oppotunity to step away further away from the glass]
[Just as oblivious about the enclosure as she is, he gives a quick glance at the glass and turns back to Nina.]
What...did you happen to see any dinosaurs?
Yes, I did..we should probably start preparing for the worst case scenario
[She hadn't been at the Manor long, but the Authors haits weren't hard to miss]
I don't like the feeling here. Um, can we go somewhere a little more less frightening, please?
Yes, please
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