Feb 07, 2011 18:23
[ Vegeta is messing with the blackberry in his room. He knows how these things work. He's the sex toy husband of the Owner of Capsule Corp. He's played with devices more advanced and stupidly difficult to use than this. His face is there, and it's narrow. Narrow eyes, angry mouth, wrinkled nose, furrowed brows, amazingly large forehead split by his widow's peak. Yes, it's all there, and it's unhappy to say the least. Vegeta is unimpressed and disapproves of this.. this... whatever this is. ]
If this is another prank of yours...
I'm going to destroy you.
And if it's not...
Then the owner of this place had better show himself.
[ The feed cuts. He's maaaad. ]
comment: sheldon jeffery sands,
comment: elphaba thropp,
plot: vampire clothes,
comment: kuja,
comment: zarbon,
comment: piccolo,
comment: dende