{12th Bullet} Okay, I get it, no midnight snacks. [In person]

Feb 05, 2011 19:45

[Sheldon has an MP3 player in the pocket of his jeans as he starts making something in the kitchen. Ever since his death, he's been a lot more visible than he used to be. And being in the kitchen to conquer his fears was the best thing for him.

He's singing along to a song that's on his playlist while using the spoon as a "microphone". The lyrics are silly and his tone was very on key. Despite that he says he's a bad singer, he's certainly not.]

Once in a while
Maybe you will feel the urge.
To break international copyright law
By downloading mp3s
From file sharing sites
Like morpheus or grokster or limewire or kazza.
But deep in your Heart.
You know the guilt would drive you mad
And the shame would leave a permanent scar
Cause you start out stealing songs
Then you’re robbing liquor stores
And selling Crack
And running over school kids with your car

So Don’t Download This Song
The record store is where you belong
Go and buy the CD like you know that you should
Oh Don’t Download This Song

Oh you don’t want to mess
With the RIAA
They’ll sue you if you burn that Cdr.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a grandma
Or a seven year old girl
They’ll treat you like the evil Hard-bitten criminal scum you are

So Don’t Download This Song (don’t go)
Pirating music all day long
Go and buy the CD like you know that you should
Oh Don’t Download This Song

Don’t take away money
From artists just like me
How else can I afford another solid gold Humvee
And diamond studded swimming pools
These things don’t grow on trees
So all I ask is everybody Pleaseeeeee

Don’t Download This Song (Don’t do it No No)
Even Lars Urlich Know it’s wrong (You could just ask him)
Go and buy the CD like you know that you should (You Really Should)
Oh Don’t Download This Song

Don’t Download This Song (Oh please don’t you do it or you)
Might Wind up in Jail like Tommy Chong (Remember Tommy)
Go and buy the CD (Right Now) like you know that you should (Go out and Buy it)
Oh Don’t Download This Song.

Don’t Download This Song (No no no no no no)
Or you’ll burn in hell before to long (And you deserve it)
Go and buy the CD (Just buy it) like you know that you should (You cheap bastard)

[The best part of all of this nonsense is that he's not bothered if anyone sees him as he makes his puerco pibil for the entire manor and not just for himself along with refried beans, Spanish rice, tortillas and cheese enchiladas and to go with it handmade pico de gillo and salsa verde. It's a full dinner course that he enjoys doing and it shows. He's actually a damn good cook if he sets his mind to it and this is rare so enjoy it while it's there.]

comment: light yagami, sheldon jeffery sands

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