[Other] [Forward-Date] *Don't Look Back Or We'll Catch You*

Jan 29, 2011 08:42

[This is being sent as a message sent through Emma, that was prefaced with "Can you get it to all of these people?" and trying to give her as much as she'd need on the rest of the team for the final chase for her to contact them, whether there's been a chance to warn them they may have someone talking in their head or not. Priorities, enough time spent on this, etc.]

I have a plan, and we need to move now, unless anyone else has any brilliant ideas.

We know who it is. We know about how he's working, even if we don't know his specific hiding places, and there's already been steps taken to limit his movements and lessen his hiding places. We can spend a few more days while he's killing people doing normal poring over of murder scenes and trying to figure out the magic hiding spot to catch him in, or we can use the fact that we do have enough people on this to corner him and means to track him, go on the offensive, and catch him NOW.

Tom has Soma who can track by scent - the rest of us will split up in teams of two; one team per floor and the other one or two teams, if everyone is in, keeping moving. Soma's the only one allowed to work alone - his job is tracking, and he can outrun B or any of us, so watch for the white wolf or his messages; he's looking for B's hiding places to let us know where they are to predict his routes, and B himself. If he gives a signal where to go, the team on that floor heads there, and a mobile team moves to watch the nearest path B could take to get away - we have enough people to cut off his routes and corner him, even if he spends a bit of time playing "tag".

No-one else goes alone - he's demonstrated that he CAN kill someone in under five minutes, so even with Emma, if you wander away from your partner, assume that he can and will pick you off before backup can catch up to stop him.

Dillinger is with me - besides that, we now have Hattori from my world, who can keep an eye on Conan and help with one of the running teams, anyone who doesn't have some kind of restraints and one or two of the smoke grenades can speak up and we'll make sure they have them; besides that, we've had Tom, Misora, Ichabod, Mikami, and Mello on the pursuit in the past, and Tris who can go with the odd one out to make sure they're not alone - she's assured me she can handle restraints of her own and has someone to watch the innocents while doing so. Sound off with any preferences on teams, we need to move yesterday - we'll get into position as soon as everyone is ready.

Misora, if you could broadcast exactly what you saw when you met him to everyone?

As soon as we know which floor he's on, start collapsing down on that floor and covering any escape routes he might take to get away - we'll collapse formation and close the net so he has no choice but to run straight into one of us.
[End main broadcast]

[OOC Notes: B's hideouts!]
[1) The morgue.
2) Inside the vents, particularly over Misora and L's rooms.
3) L's now doorless room itself.
4) His room, which happens to have Shiki's sword and John's missing gun.
5) He's also spent enough time in the kitchen for that to attract the bouncing wolf; there's a big stock of jam back in the cabinets.]

[OOC Notes: This will be the post for chasing B! A minute after if there's no backtalk, the specific orders will go out - they'll each be individual tags, but everyone will hear what the other's assignments are. Use them as the category-headers that'd normally be up; there's free godmod rights on Soma's tracking going through finding B's hideouts, so those can be opened/watched etc. whether B's there or not.]

comment: mello, comment: naomi misora, comment: conan edogawa [kudo shinichi], comment: hattori heiji, hakuba saguru, comment: soma cruz, plot: rampage, comment: teru mikami, comment: trisana chandler

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