Jan 28, 2011 21:05
[The feed starts on the ground showing Dende's feet. He walks away towards the bookshelves in his room with a couple of old books. He spends the next 10 minutes organizing his shelf obsessively, though it doesn't seem to need it. The shelves are so neat and well lined up it almost seems like it's a fake shelf. He steps back and looks it over for a second before taking another book out. He starts pacing back and forth with it for a moment before going back to his bookshelf and reorganizing it again.
He brings another couple of books to the table and notices the Blackberry on the floor. With a shaking hand he picks it up and fumbles with it for a moment, too anxious to actually turn it off at first. Letting out a small cuss in his native tongue, and finally terminates the feed, clearly not his usual chipper self, as he didn't even bother to offer a greeting.]
comment: raven,
plot: rampage,
comment: tom hanson,
comment: trisana chandler