Badfic Island: Accidental video // Letter to Isaac

Jul 09, 2010 07:19

[Having been 'swimming' in the ocean with James for a sizeable amount of time, Miria has finally come onto shore. After about an hour of going in circles and getting a little lost, she finally found her tent again. Zipping up the doors, she gets changed into a white, floral halter neck dress ( and takes the blackberry up from her bed. Meaning to switch it off, she actually manages to switch on the video feed. Propping it up absent mindly on one of the bigger trunks, she begins to rummage through a pile of items and objects, eventually finding a big pad of lined paper and a pen ( Flipping through a few pages, the feed clearly shows the paper in full as she leans against the trunk, and begins to write....]

Dearest Isaac,

It's me again! I have something exciting to tell you! I'm on an island! But it's a beautiful desert island, with palm tree's and a bonfire. The ocean's beautiful; it's so warm during the day. Oh! I forgot to tell you; amongst the friends I've made here, there's someone here called James. He's been really nice to me - oh! and then there's Severus; he's a little mean   odd   very much his own person, although I don't think he see's that very well. I'm sure if he'll let me, we might even become friends.You know, they're both wizards! Real wizards, with wands and spells and enchanted books! Oh Isaac, it's so exciting, I have so many questions I want to ask them both!

I could use up all the paper in this book telling you about everyone I've met here, and about how strange things keep happening...Sweeney's gone, you remember him.   Although he was mean at times, I sorta miss him, he was always with me, and for a while I felt like I used to, when you were with me

I know you'll probably never get this while I'm here, and I know I say it in every letter I write to you, but, Isaac, it's getting harder and harder to get by without you with me..I miss you terribly, and I want more than anything for me to be home again, or for you to one day arrive in the house. Then everything would be fine..I know I'll see you again, I just wish that day would hurry up and be here!

I miss you                I miss you so much       sometimes I wish I was         Please, just...I don't know how to put it into words..

Love you always and forever

your Miria (smiley face) xxx

comment: severus snape, comment: james potter, miria harvent, plot: surf's up

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