16 Star Ball || Dende [in person]

Dec 31, 2010 22:21

[Dende had grown a bit worried about his friend Tom, as they had decided to make plans to see some movies together. Dende feared that perhaps Tom was worried that Dende already had plans, which since he's a total nerd he doesn't.

He walked through the halls to Tom's room and knocks on the door, causing the door to open a crack]

Tom? Um, are you in?

[The fact that the door wasn't closed leaves him a bit nervous, did someone steal something from his room or something? He pushes open the door and steps in]

I'm coming in...

[When he steps in and sees Tom lying on the bed he panics and rushes to his friends side. His eye's widen when he sees the injuries, broken neck and a hole in the stomach from some sort of laser or ki blast, he automatically knew that signature, but he refused to believe it. Shaking the thought of his mentor and friend out of his head he instinctively holds out his hands over Tom to try and heal him in vain. His powers didn't work on the dead.

He stumbled out of the room and into the halls, his hand over his mouth and his eyes welling up. He honestly felt as though he were going to be ill. He's seen worse injuries before, and he's also seen unfair murder before, but that never made it any easier...]

dende, comment: giselle, comment: ichabod crane, comment: elphaba thropp, plot: random talents, comment: iroh

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