Cherry Bomb 016 ♦ Nice ♦ Baby you're a firework - Come and let your colours burst [In person]

Dec 30, 2010 20:43

 [If anyone was to look out of their windows, they'll soon see colourful streams of light shooting into the night sky. There's a pause, before a loud BANG fills the air, an explosion of green and blue. Seconds later, three more are fired up, all in various colours and sizes.

Their source? Nice - she's quite happily sat in a tree (one of the ones ( Read more... )

comment: kuja, comment: light yagami, nice holystone, comment: finnian, comment: john dillinger, plot: random talents

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Comments 59

lovesoutdoors December 30 2010, 21:06:06 UTC
[Finnian was busy working as usual outside, when a bird went and rested on his shoulder, telling him something about explosions and that it was disturbing the birds.

He nodded as he put the now broken rake down as he followed the bird towards where the disturbance was as he looked up at the tree, watching the fireworks. They were something he hadn't seen before as instead of mentioning something he just stared at them for a bit. Looking amazed at the sight.


blondefuse December 30 2010, 22:00:39 UTC
[Nice didn't notice Finny at first; she was too wrapped up in creating another firework; this was was going to be larger than the previous ones, and she was aiming for every colour possible]


lovesoutdoors December 31 2010, 08:26:17 UTC
[He just watched quietly for a bit more, before finally letting himself known to be there.]

You're really good.


blondefuse December 31 2010, 22:05:50 UTC
[She looks down at Finny, grinning like a cheshire cat with an eye patch]

Thanks~! Wanna come up?


hunted_by_fbi December 30 2010, 21:29:25 UTC
[John decided to go out and find the source. He had a feeling who was behind it and decides that once he see her, if it's her, he's going to record it and save it for another time....a time when he can make his move on Nice on a different level.

Using his blackberry, he recorded Nice for his own personal records and for his own purpose. With a smirk he calls up at the tree.]

Hiya doll!

[Yes, he's still recording.]


blondefuse December 30 2010, 21:59:04 UTC
[She's way too happy to get pissy about being interuppted, but she does look down at him, noticing the blackberry.

Laughing, she flips the camera the birdie and winks at it]

I should make a sign - $10 dollars to watch, $20 ta record~!

Be sure ta only get me from my right side - 's where I'm prettiest~!!


hunted_by_fbi December 30 2010, 22:09:04 UTC
[whistles] I got all sides. I like it all.

[He took another picture and winks.]

Wanna come down so I can get a bit of that action?


blondefuse December 30 2010, 22:24:40 UTC
[Still laughing, she turns herself around on the branch]

Bit of this action~? Whatcha got in ya pocket - gunpowder~?


[In Person] featherdrequiem December 31 2010, 00:25:32 UTC
[Have a rather amply proportioned Femme!Kuja. Very obviously strapped into a corset.]

Quite a wonderful power you have there.


[In Person] blondefuse December 31 2010, 01:32:26 UTC
Aww, thank you~♥♥ I happen to agree~

[She's grinning like a maniac here, and hasn't quite grasped yet who she's talking to]


[In Person] featherdrequiem December 31 2010, 01:40:51 UTC
[Kuja watches with amusement. Even if it's not the most useful of abilities he's seen so far, it's above all one of the more entertaining.]

I haven't seen you for a while actually, since Paris I believe.


[In Person] blondefuse December 31 2010, 22:02:12 UTC
[Frowning a little, Nice leans down to see if she recognises him; howeverm this shortly ends when she suddenly loses her balance, and falls off of the branch, landing in a heap]



finalarbiter December 31 2010, 16:28:19 UTC
[Light is outside getting fresh air to clear his head. The explosion of color in the sky makes him stop and stare. He even manages a half smile, recalling the last time he had seen fireworks was at Obon with Sayu... four years ago. He stopped going to the festival upon entering high school claiming that he was too busy. So much had changed since that time. He leans back against a tree, not realizing Nice is on a branch near by.]


blondefuse December 31 2010, 22:04:18 UTC
[Nice doesn't notice Light either, but this may change when a giant, golden explosion of colour illuminates the night sky, making her cheer and laugh]

Oh MAN I love this week~!!


finalarbiter December 31 2010, 23:21:51 UTC
[Light hears Nice's exclamation and looks around. He spots her sitting in a tree, though he hesitates before calling out to her.]

They're very pretty...


/sneaks in and sits at back of class- NICE MUN! WHY ARE YOU LATE??? blondefuse January 3 2011, 21:29:40 UTC
[Looking down, she see's Light and gives him a salute-wave]

Why, thank you~!


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