Sixth entry: [In person]

Jul 07, 2010 06:57

[Having spent a substantial amount of time on the beach with Ichabod, the pair had finally gone their seperate ways in order to find their respective tents. The Princess, starting out optimistic, began her search by just peeking into any tents that were open, just as she'd left hers earlier that day.  However, as about half an hour passes, her hopes begin to drain; with only the dim latern lights to aid her in the darkness, she begins to lose hope in ever finding her 'room']

Oh, this is ridiculous! Surely they should have put numbers outside, or something to differentiate between each one..!

[Her voice is hushed and annoyed, the night air now quite chilled against her exposed flesh. Since she hasn't been to her tent all day, Elizabeth is still only wearing her bikini-wrap-around-combo. As she mutters in frustration to herself, her arms wrapped aorund her torso, she trips suddenly on on of the tent pegs, causing her to fall rather splendidly to the ground, grazing her arm on the sand]

Ah!...oh, this is just wonderful! Well and truely...

[She stops cursing to herself when she notices the inside of the tent she just tripped over; clothes were strewn neatly across the floor and bed, and it's then she realises that they're hers]

..well that was certainly lucky..

[Heading in, she leaves the 'doors' open as she sits on the bed and examines her superficial wound with care; it wasn't deep, but it stung like crazy, little grains of sand embedded in her skin. She winces as she tries to get some out]

Aah..alright..well, first things first I suppose..

[After a moment, she gets back up, and tries to find something to put on her tent; something to identify it as hers. Eventually finding a pen in the trunk of bits and pieces, she finds a white T shirt of some description, and, with difficulty, writes her name across it. Heading back outside, she eventually succeeds in wrapping it awkwardly around one of the poles holding the structure up. Going back it and ignoring the smarting pain in her arm, Elizabeth then changes into a dark blue halter-neck dress. Satisfied with the results, she continues to her next mission; finding food.

Upon discovering the cooler of snacks, she thinks briefly back to Ichabod]

I do hope he finds his tent alright...perhaps I'll leave my lantern on, just in case he can't...and I wonder what he wanted to say to me earlier...

[She thinks aloud as she seats herself back on her bed...]

elizabeth tudor, plot: surf's up

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