Cherry Bomb 09 ♦ Nice ♦ Tick...tick..tick..[Accidental Video]

Dec 01, 2010 13:30

[Nice is in the lab, the feed from the blackberry showing a table littered with tubes and bottles of various sizes. Returning from the storage room, arms full of 'ingrediants', the 10 year old drops them on the table, her smile broad. She'd never had access to so many resources before, and now she was determined to make the best bomb in her personal record. She wanted to show John she was skilled, that she could do something that could maybe be useful to him.

She doesn't know her blackberry is filming her - she'd found it in her room and thought it looked kinda cool. So, she takes a seat, and starts adding a precise amount of white powder to a small bowl. Leaning over, she checks a botle or two before finding what she wanted and adding some of that. This continues, until she pulls a small paper packet out of the pocket of her dungaree's. Her smile widens as she leans down close to the bowl, trying to make sure she didn't add too much...

A split second later, and a sudden, violent explosion sends her flying back, the contents of the table shattering and the blackberry skidding off the edge of the countertop.

Now face down, all the feed can pick up is Nice's screams.]

comment: apollo justice, nice holystone, comment: shiki, comment: john dillinger, plot: canon shift

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