[6th Calculation] Fuck this noise (Video// Filtered from Pre-Kinshin)

Nov 21, 2010 06:46

[Gene clears his throat and sets up the Blackberry on his nightstand. He made it back to his hotel room and has been staying there since he escaped the Kinshin. He situates himself in his seat and places his hands in his lap.]

Okay, first thing's first. It's come to my attention that we don't have anyone designated to welcome the new comers. I'll get some things out in the open now. Our local law enforcement has been busy [uses his fingers to indicate quotation marks] bring justice that they forget that being [again with the fingers] police officers means bringing about peace. Yeah, so not happening right now if you hadn't noticed.

Anyway, on to the matters at hand. We're all in a place called The Manor. The Author is like a puppeteer and we're the puppets. I don't know about you but I don't like being controlled. My name is Eugene Watson. Gene or Mr. Watson is fine. Like you, I'm a prisoner in this so called Author's story. A welcome package is under construction and we're still working out the details but there are some individuals that have been here since the beginning. I'm not one of them.

Just to let you know, if you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them or I'll find someone that can answer them. As for the kids, meaning the 14 and under age group, if you need anything, let me know. I have a daughter back home and I'm pretty good with a guitar. [He's being modest with this response.]

What was I saying....oh yes. Anyway, I'll come and get you if you need a place to stay and such. I've been staying out of the fights and have a decent stock of supplies here. Oh and those things out there....those monsters....can't be defeated with standard weapons. Someone already said it over the network before that a team needs to happen and well...I don't have a team or a weapon so that leaves me out of the fights. So anyway, I'm just wanting to check up on things and go from there.

[He leans over and turns off the feed.]

comment: zarbon, comment: lili zanotto, comment: meirin, comment: sara crewe, plot: soul eater, eugene watson

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