Nov 03, 2010 14:50
[The blackberry is facing a bunch of Tribbles, quite a few of them before you can hear Finny's voice.]
There are a lot of them around and this lot I'm looking after.
[He points to the first one at the front of all the others kinder dark green looking as it was happily purring away.]
This one is young master. [Points to the black one next to it.] This one is Sebastian.
[He then points to the three tribbles that are together, one purple, one blond and one white] These three are Meirin, Finnian and Bardroy. [Does anyone see the pattern yet? He points to two more, one if grey the other is yet again blond.] And these two are Lady Elizabeth and Tanaka.
[Yes... he has named the family of tribbles after people he is close to.]
plot: trouble with tribbles,
comment: elizabeth middleford