3rd Psalm|| D'eon [I am French, Why do you think I have this outrageous accent you silly king!]

Nov 02, 2010 16:49

[Anyone venturing into the library may stumble upon D'eon snoozing in a large chair, oddly enough his hair is down. He's got a pile of books on the table next to him, most of them appear to be history books pertaining to France and a bit on America and Canada dated after the 1700's. Yes, D'eon is trying to cheat on history, but it appears he forgot ( Read more... )

d'eon, comment: yukito, plot: trouble with tribbles, comment: claudia, comment: jack sparrow

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yuekito November 2 2010, 21:48:01 UTC
[Wordlessly, Yuki scoops up the tribble that is busy munching on D'eon's ribbon. That's just impolite. While he holds the thing carefully in one hand, the other drops to D'eon's shoulder, gently but firmly attempting to shake him awake.]

Excuse me.


gender_at_will November 2 2010, 21:55:30 UTC

[D'eon groggily open his eyes, he looks around for a moment trying to remember where he was. ]

O-oh dear... it seems I drifted off to sleep... I'm terribly sorry.


yuekito November 2 2010, 21:57:18 UTC
[Yukito chuckles, shaking his head at D'eon.]

You certainly weren't bothering me. I was just wondering if you knew that you had one of these little fellows snacking on your hair.


gender_at_will November 2 2010, 22:04:16 UTC
Oh?...Oh dear... what on Earth is that?

[D'eon pulls his ribbon out from the little thing's mouth and looked at it rather disdainfully. He wasn't quite sure he wanted to put it back in his hair after it was in some strange creature's mouth so he simply pocketed it]

You have my thanks Mondemoiseau.


yuekito November 2 2010, 22:14:00 UTC
[He doesn't blame him. Those little things were showing up everywhere, weren't they?]

Ah.. I'm Yukito. Are you studying something?


gender_at_will November 2 2010, 22:21:51 UTC
I am Chevalier D'eon de Beaumont. It's a pleasure.

[he bows slightly from his seated position]

I was just trying to understand what happens in the future... I am from the year 1756, and things have recently become rather tumultuous.


yuekito November 3 2010, 17:05:42 UTC
[Yukito answers the bow with an almost subconscious bob of the head, glancing to D'eon again. From the 18th century? This place grew stranger every day.]

It must have been quite a shock for you, then, showing up here.


gender_at_will November 4 2010, 00:54:02 UTC
Yes this place is... quite different from Versailles to say the least.But I expect it was just as much of a surprise to you as well.


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