Twenty Fourth entry ☼ Elizabeth ☼ [In person]

Oct 25, 2010 22:59

[Since it was the start of a new week, Elizabeth thought she'd brave leaving her bedroom - the past week,  whenever she'd left her room, she'd find herself followed (or one time, chased) by what appeared to be an executioner. Complete with the full black attire and the weighty, blood stained axe, it had been more than a little terrifying for her. However, after walking the corridors cautiously for a little while, the young monarch soon relaxed, and allowed herself to admire the Manors new decorations with both awe and curiousity. She didn't know what Halloween was or what it was supposed to be about, but the strange carved thing outside her door and the sound of vacant crying she kept hearing gave her some idea.]

d'eon, elizabeth tudor, plot: this is halloween

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