Day 5: Letter's aftermath

Jun 23, 2010 11:00

[This time, the blackberry is plugged into the wall. In a rare moment of feeling depressed and sensible, Miria put it onto charge. The video, however, is still on. The feed shows Miria re-reading her fathers letter, the emotion from the first time still raw. Since she ripped up the second page, she just reads the first over and over again, until she feels Sweeney tug at her dress cords]

Miria, please, stop reading that; it's not doing you any good.

I know..but...I wanted to see if there was anything I missed before..maybe to show it really was a fake, like Emmett said..

And was there? Because if not then I must insist you leave this room before you become part of the furniture-

It's not that simple!

[The sudden snappiness of her tone takes the chincilla by surprise, but he doesn't back down]

It damned well is! It's just a piece of paper! Now, you need to get up, brush your hair, and leave your bedroom! Maybe get something to eat, but if you read that one more time I'll not be responsible for my actions.

[Her irritability fades and she smiles weakly, offering her cupped hands for Sweeney to climb into]

...I guess you're right...

Of course I am. Now, move!

[She leaves her room and closes the door, Sweeney safely in her pocket. despite his valid point, she really isn't in the mood to go anywhere.  As she heads down the corridor, the right of the staircase she see's an open door. Peeking in, she see's a young lady at her desk, reading a piece of rather old looking paper, a feathered quill in a pot next to her....]

plot: his dark materials, miria harvent, comment: emmett honeycutt

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