♔ Mischievous Twin No. 2 Post 03 [Video]

Oct 20, 2010 14:31

[The camera shows Kaoru looking directly at it, a look of annoyance is plastered over it.]

I believe the author has a extreme sick sense of humour when she came up with this.

[He turns the camera around to reveal a woman standing there, as if waiting for someone to walk closer to her. Her hair was long, black and very silky and her eyes were beautiful, but she was wearing a mask, ones that are usually worn when someone has a cold in Japan. The camera moved back to his face.]

I remember that story I told, but I was kidding when I said she would be here, but apparently irony won out and now she is.I think it's best to warn ones younger than myself to avoid her unless you want to die.

plot: boogie men, kaoru hitachiin, comment: matt

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