Knife 002 ░ Chane ░ Like a child [In person]

Oct 14, 2010 16:35

[For anyone on the second floor corridor, if they're going up or down the stairs, they'll find the barely-alive body of Miss Laforet. She's unconcious, either from hitting her head when she fell, or from blood loss. She'll have angry, bruised bite marks on the right side of her neck, and slight, new brusing around her wrists.

Next to her is a smallRead more... )

plot: i vant to suck your blood, comment: claudia, chane laforet, comment: d'eon, comment: claire 'vino' stanfield

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[In Person] scarlettracer October 14 2010, 15:57:34 UTC
[Vino had been wondering where his darling had been for a while now, and he found his unbeating heart in his throat. He dashed to her side and lifted her gently.]

Chane! You still with me? Move a finger or somethin'


[In Person] fathers_secret October 14 2010, 16:11:25 UTC
[Vino's voice was distant and hard to hear, but she had no doubts it was him. But,she found she couldn't do as he asked. She felt heavy, numb almost.

Very faintly, she nuzzles his chest..all she wanted to do was sleep..]


[In Person] scarlettracer October 14 2010, 16:19:41 UTC
[Well that was enough for him. He saw the marks and cursed outloud, very loudly. He knew this would happen if he left her by herself.]

Goddamnnit! Don't go to sleep--

[Glancing to the side he notices the small bottle...pretty thing, whatever was in it smelt damned weird. The writing on a small piece of paper just said, Drink this and feel better. Not one to argue he pressed the bottle to her lips.]

Ya gotta drink this stuff doll, supposed t'make ya better.


[In Person] fathers_secret October 14 2010, 16:48:54 UTC
[She was vaguely coming-to when she first realized he was trying to make her drink something. Whatever it was, it smelt awful, and at first she tried to turn her head away from it. But, if it was going to help her, she tried to ignore the smell, and swallowed a little of it.

It tasted even worse.

However, she continued to drink it, only stopping abou half way through when she felt like she as going to be sick. But, she did feel her energy returning to her as her eyes flickered open]


[In Person] scarlettracer October 14 2010, 19:05:16 UTC
[Vino's eyes brightened when he saw her coming to and quickly threw his arms around her, nuzzling into her neck.]

You're alright! What was that some kinda bad smellin' miracle drink?

Whatever that doesn't matter, I'm just glad you're alright, I thought you were a goner.


[In Person] fathers_secret October 14 2010, 19:21:29 UTC
[Gingerly, she sits up by herself, holding onto his jacket to help her do so. It was odd - whatever it was he had made her drink, she pretty much felt normal again.

She gives him a small smile, and kisses him gently]


[In Person] scarlettracer October 14 2010, 19:45:29 UTC
[He hated to break the mood, but his expression went from relief to stern.]

Who did this?


[In Person] fathers_secret October 14 2010, 20:08:20 UTC
[She thinks back to the blonde young man..he'd been crazed, and unbelieveably strong..and when he'd bitten her-

She closes her eyes and shakes her head violently. She'd point him out to Vino when the chance came, but right now she didn't want to remember it]


[In Person] scarlettracer October 14 2010, 20:50:33 UTC
[The assassin nods and gives her a tight squeeze.]

S'alright. I'll find the bastard and make him pay for hurting you.

[He doesn't show Chane, but his expression sours, already running through his head what he could begin his revenge with.]


[In Person] fathers_secret October 18 2010, 23:38:59 UTC
[Whether or not he means for her to see, Chane knows what goes through Vino's head when he says things like that. She knows it's pointless to argue, but either way she gets to her feet, and shakes her head, retrieving on of her knives.

Once the plot lifts, she'll be sure to find the person herself. Of course, she knows that Vino will get there before..but she doesn't want him to forget that she can take care of herself.

Well, against humans anyway]


[In Person] scarlettracer October 18 2010, 23:50:18 UTC
[Vino doesn't give it much thought. All he knows in his mind is that this person has to pay for what they did to her, hunger or not, they need to learn their god damn lesson.]

Don't worry, I'll letcha have your revenge on the guy, but he's gotta go through me first.

['Cause that's how he rolls bby.]


[In Person] fathers_secret October 19 2010, 00:46:04 UTC
[This was as close to a comprimise as she was going to get, so she slides the knife back into the sheath on her thigh.

Giving a small smile, she nods]


[In Person] scarlettracer October 19 2010, 21:33:50 UTC
[Cupping her cheek he kisses her softly.]

You need something to eat?


[In Person] fathers_secret October 19 2010, 22:45:41 UTC
[She blushs a little, and nods lightly]


[In Person] scarlettracer October 19 2010, 23:21:14 UTC
C'mon, we'll see what we can find for ya.

[He holds out his arm for hers to loop around it, being gentlemanly and guiding her down the stairs to the kitchen. In the mean time keeping an eye out for the person who might have tried their luck at scoring a free meal from his fiance.]


[In Person] <3 that icon on him~ fathers_secret October 20 2010, 11:35:08 UTC
[She takes his arm and follows him; he wasn't alone on the 'keeping an eye out' front, because if the boy did suddenly reappear, she wasn't prepared to be so stupid and get caught again. The bothered her almost as much as almost bleeding to death.

This is why she'd trained so hard. So that she could protect herself. And now, it seemed even that wouldn't work]


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