Pripyat: Day 5 - Post mortem - Miria

Sep 17, 2010 18:56

[At first, everything was fuzzy. Slowly, Miria sat up, her head aching. However, that was the least of her worries; someone had just killed her! In a panic, she stumbles to her feet, oblivious to the blood on her face, and runs out of the alley way. She doesn't know where she's going, but she was freezing cold, scared, and plus whoever just killed ( Read more... )

comment: conan edogawa [kudo shinichi], miria harvent, comment: edward scissorhands, plot: pripyat

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shy_blade September 17 2010, 18:09:09 UTC
[Edward has noticed that she wasn't in the room where he thought she was sleeping in and decided to go look for her.

Once outside the church, he felt something was off. Way off. Something was wrong and he felt it. He moved through the street and toward the source where he felt the pain.]


[His voice wasn't a shout. It was in a normal tone but the weight was there that he was definitely worried. He knew that running was only going to make it worse if she were to physically bump into him again so he kept his hands down at his sides and walked briskly in the dark.]


prettyincrime September 17 2010, 18:15:56 UTC
[At first she had no idea where to run to - she just knew she was the most scared she had been since she came to the Manor, since she'd come to Pripyat. She didn't know why anyone would want to kill her; she hadn't done anything to hurt anyone, or at least that she could think of.

However, as she rounded a corner, she runs into a tall, dark figure (Edward). She lets out a panicked shriek as she falls back]

L-leave me alone--!


shy_blade September 17 2010, 18:21:24 UTC
[Edward's heart sank and lowered his head when he heard her yell out those words. His face showed a mixture of fear, concern and pain.]

I'm sorry.

[He was about to turn and do as she commanded.]


prettyincrime September 17 2010, 18:24:17 UTC
[As soon as he spoke, she realized who it was]

No, wait!

[She shakily gets to her feet, and steps forward, hugging him tightly, tears starting to fall down her face]

I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry - I didn't know it was you


shy_blade September 17 2010, 18:50:09 UTC
[His arms slowly move to embrace her. He closes his eyes and allows her to cry. If she hit him, he wouldn't flinch. Something happened and he wanted to make her feel better but he didn't exactly know how. He didn't know what happened other than he heard a scream. But the smell of blood was in the air and it was slowly dissipating which meant that something did happen and it bothered him.]

It's okay. It's over now.


prettyincrime September 17 2010, 19:03:22 UTC
[She didn't mean to just start crying on him, but she found she couldn't stop. She suddenly pulls away, her eyes wide and scared]

We have to go-! There's someone dangerous here!


shy_blade September 17 2010, 19:10:22 UTC
[His eyes opened in a flash and his head looked up quickly. The last time he felt anything like this was when Kim was threatened by Jim and his first instinct was to run but instead, he chose to fight.]

I understand.

[He moved toward the tower. If anyone was going to find them, he would kill them himself. He can't exactly take up the defense. He's a walking weapon with a conscious.]


prettyincrime September 17 2010, 19:28:11 UTC
[Holding onto his arm, Miria looks behind them as they go back towards the tower, scared that whoever was responsible for her brief demise had followed her..]


shy_blade September 17 2010, 19:56:35 UTC
[The physical contact keeps him from reacting on impulse and since his priority now is to bring Miria to safety, that's exactly what he'll do.]

What happened?

[He was still curious about the scream.]


prettyincrime September 17 2010, 20:16:51 UTC
[She squeezes her eyes shut, her grip on his arm tightening]

someone shot me...


shy_blade September 17 2010, 20:40:49 UTC
[He knows what a bullet feels like. He's been shot before. To have someone that didn't deserve it made him angry and Miria didn't deserve it. She was far too sweet to receive that kind of damage. The grip on his arm only confirmed his worst fear. Whoever shot her had the intention to kill her and he wasn't about to stand for it. Should he meet the assailant, that man or woman won't be waking up.

He's learned what the term "an eye for an eye" meant when he looked at the barrel of a gun.]

Did you see who did it?


prettyincrime September 18 2010, 00:42:38 UTC
[She shakes her head]

No, I don't think so..


shy_blade September 18 2010, 14:21:12 UTC
[He nods and keeps his eyes sharp. The last thing he needed was to be put in another situation again that would force him to kill. The thought made him internally cold. If it wasn't for Miria's presence, he would have already started his hunt.]


[Once inside the church, he decided that it was best to stay on the ground floor in case someone tries to make a second attempt.]


prettyincrime September 18 2010, 20:53:27 UTC
[Happy to be out of the open, Miria rubbed her arms to keep herself warm as she headed to the front of the church, taking a seat on the front pew. Bringing her knee's up to her chest, she looks up at the stained glass window at the end of the Church, behind the altar, giving a small smile]

..It's pretty,isn't it?


shy_blade September 18 2010, 21:07:46 UTC
[He moved to find something in the closets where he knew that things would be hidden that he could give her to stay warm. He used his pinkie blade to open the door and in it were several rows of material still folded and some were still wrapped in plastic. He took a fresh one and gently slid it onto his waiting hand to prevent the material from getting cut.]

Yes. I like the colors. The angels...they bring peace.

[He turned from the closet and walked over slowly to where she was sitting and offered the wrapped material.]

This should help keep you warm.


prettyincrime September 21 2010, 16:42:11 UTC
[Miria had been staring at the window, very close to spacing out, when she turned, and took took the wrapped blanket from Edward]

Thank you

[The initial panic had subsided, now she just felt numb and shaken, her hands trembling as she ripped the plastic wrapping off]


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