Intro post :: Heart 101 :: Howl [Video]

Sep 10, 2010 00:50

How interesting...this doesn't look like my house at all...

[His tone is light and curious, his brilliant blue eyes flicking over his new surroundings. The blackberry, which was in his pocket, suddenly floats out, and out in front of him, a charming smile spreading from cheek to cheek]

I know you're watching me, whatever you are~ This is certainly a lovely place, but it's lacking...something..a hint of this, perhaps~?

[The feed shows him reaching his hand out as he approaches the top of the staircase, his fingers touching the wall gently. However, as he moves, the wallpaper changes from it's original colour to a rich, vibrant yellow, beautiful, ethnic markings etching themselves over the bright base. Stranger still, he's not walking down the stairs. He is wlaking, but instead, on thin air, the blackberry still following obediantly by his side]

comment: nights, comment: kuja, comment: james potter, comment: jack sparrow, howl

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