Character Names: Jack Sparrow
wheres_me_ship and Iroh
ginsengismyfave And everyone else that wants to join!
When: Tuesday night.
Location: Jack's ship/room.
Summary: Jack and Iroh have this idea for a get together that includes getting drunk, talks about women and being themselves without repression.
Ratings: PG-13
Warnings: Anything can happen....enter at your own risk.
Jack prepared his room for guests. Sure it's going to get a little rowdy. What ship with a pirate wouldn't? Yet this was like his home and his ship wasn't ready to set sail. Not even close. The winter was still setting in and the snow and ice kept him from going out to do anything.
After setting up the rum shelf, which contained now 35 bottles of rum, Jack put his special reserves under his bed since that was his own private stash. No one was getting to that. He sure liked his rum and now he was sharing it....which is a rare thing for the pirate to do with anyone that he barely knew. Taking advantage of it would be a good idea.