Twitter me this, twitter me that

Nov 07, 2009 23:55

  • 08:03 so. um. my mum is giving me the money for a platinum concon ticket. fucking hell! #
  • 08:16 *hands toast and oj around to the peoples still awake* #
  • 10:21 hey guys, voting time for @steviecarlson on hosstheboss again! #
  • 11:36 there we go. house tidied. just got to vacuum #
  • 12:44 om nom ham and cheese toasties! #
  • 14:41 What Comic Book Sound Are You? - - You Are "SPLAT!" #blogthings #
  • 14:50 How Should You De-stress? - - You Should Meditate #blogthings #
  • 15:52 i have just spent an hour with a baby. and not killed it. aren't you proud of me? #
  • 15:54 and i'm gonna be a great aunt for the second time in May. uhhh yay? #
  • 16:35 am v annoyed at the whole gold ticket only having ONE autograph though.... cant afford two diamond :( #
  • 16:40 What Fall Fruit or Vegetable Are You Most Like? - - You Are Apples #blogthings #
  • 18:32 so. huh. looks like i'm getting me a platinum pass after all? AWESOME! #
  • 20:04 *bounces around twitter like a slightly excited manacal llama* #
  • 20:25 RT @CindyD1000: Photos of upcoming #Leverage ep filmed at the Governor Hotel (the location for #ConCon) #
  • 20:53 my stomach keeps leaping into my mouth. just... nerves and excitement. i'm gonna be a flipping WRECK come March! #
  • 22:18 Top 3 weekly #lastfm artists: Steve Carlson - 21. Simple Plan - 17. Mest - 14. #
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