OK seriously? I'd like to die now please and thank you! I am miserable as fuck and feel like crap. I'm also fully aware of the fact I'm a gigantic baby and only have a cold - I would however like to find the inventor of this 'common cold' and give it the fuck back to them.
It's ridiculous - my hip or knee can come out of joint and I'll carry on like normal. I can cope with having laryngitis, bronchitis and tonsilitis at the same time. I've had pleurisy. Yet I get a freaking cold for a few days and turn miserable, pathetic and dying duck! I just really hate colds damnit!
Although, to be fair, my mum took one look at me wobbling across the landing to the bathroom and promptly sent me back to bed. I have NO voice, I'm coughing and sneezing almost constantly - sneezing sends me dizzy and coughing hurts even my little toe!
I don't think going to work would be a good idea because of the whole... sneezing/dizzy issue and it being a 20m drive... doesn't sound especially, y'know, safe! Yes, LETS have a dizzy spell whilst driving down the motorway at 80... or.. yeah, lets not!
Plus, 8 hours of training... Exactly how much am I going to take in? NADA!
I can't even stay in bed all day because my new bed is supposed to be being delivered. So I'm guessing its a blankie and couch and films on Eliot kinda day.
I can have
havenward dressed up as a nurse to look after me? *looks hopeful*
Anyway, I need to ring in to work (and have no freaking idea how i'm supposed to do that with, y'know, no voice and the sickness policy says no-one's allowed to ring in on your behalf!) so I shall leave you with