The Morning Wibble

Oct 02, 2009 07:35

You know your love for a show has waned when you no longer get up at stupid o'clock on a Friday morning to download and watch it before work.

Speaking of work, last day at Wrekin Windows today, thank GOD. That's two days now I've been in that little back office at the back of the warehouse. Haven't seen a single soul in two days. And it's freezing in there. Just me, my ipod and my muse.
At least that computer has the internet!
Then, I get a week off before starting my real job at Severn Trent
*bites nails*

Anyway, I need to get my ass out of bed and over the shop, to get money to put go-go juice in Lotte. I shall leave you with

matthew gray gubler, supernatural, the morning wibble, work, fandom, jeffrey dean morgan

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