Aug 30, 2009 23:55
- 23:56 Top 3 weekly #lastfm artists: Kane - 28. Steve Carlson - 12. Jason Manns - 8. #
- 09:09 No matter how you feel today, the best thing you can do is sti... More for Leo #
- 11:48 it seems i have two copies of The Hobbit... does anyone want one? #
- 12:42 books all on bookcases \o/ #
- 15:40 found a bed and will be buying it in a few weeks #
- 16:04 ok my legs are now officially telling me i've done too much, so i'm gonna sit on the couch and watch a movie #
- 16:13 *pouts* xat is refusing to log me in! :( #
- 17:56 its not even 6pm and i'm almost asleep! #
- 18:10 War Inc is a bloody weird film #
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