and words are all i have

Jul 15, 2009 09:30

cyphersushi gave me:

I am the llama, it is true *nods* I've had the nickname llama for around ten years now. It's from The Emperors New Groove and the llama used to say 'now i feel really bad; bad llama' and it also got used a lot on an advert on local radio. I picked it up. Said it all the time. Called everyone a bad llama. And its still my nickname. *giggles*

oh fuck yes. gotta have a bit of kink in your life. Especially if it involves gags, rope bondage, leather, spanking, flogging *shivers and purrs* I love writing it. i LOVE reading it. I even more love doing it but am sadly minus a dominant *pouts*

Heh thats another kink, it's true. I fucking love wings. her boys with wings very much makes the llama purr ♥ there's just something sensual and erotic and damn beautiful about wings. Oh god, when we saw Castiel's wings in 4x01 I squeaked and flailed a lot.
I've written wingfic in most fandoms I've stayed in long enough to do so. And obviously, with the ITBN, there's Winged!Chris, oh damn he's love. he really really is. yeah.

doctors are evil.
That is all

I love kitties. and not just of the kitten/teen-kitty/kitty!chris variety either.
I love biiig cats - especialyl tigers - but also the more tame house variety. I don't have any right now, but my house mates have three: Akasha, Enkil and Nebi. Nebi thinks he's mine though, i miss him like crazy when i'm not home - even though he drives me crazy! and as most of you know, loves saying hi when i'm chatting to anyone on msn or twitter.

raggedy_edge gave me:

I'm one of those people who has music on all the time. no matter where i am or what i'm doing, music is on. if i'm in the car, on the bus, on the train, walking, at work... music is playing. i'm sitting at work typing this listening to kane on my ipod. i swear music is my saviour.
everything from pop to rock to rap to country to classical and back again ♥

good fic makes me whimper. because sometimes words are not needed. and sometimes all the brain can manage is a whimper because its been short-circuited by the sheer hotness of the porn.
also, whimpers are fun noises to drag from other people too *giggles*

hmm... not sure why poly would make me think of you, to be honest. um... i do have some absolutely deliciously wonderful day/dreams involving me christian, steve & riley though... but other than that... i have no idea.
it's certainly a concept that intrigues me but i've no idea if it's something i could do. i guess i'd give it a go, sure...

*looks perfectly innocent*
I'm sure I have no idea what you could possibly mean!

I love to write. Have done ever since I was a kid, and probably always will do. I've never really wanted to be a writer though, but i just love writing. It was long stories when I was a kid; poems and short stories when I was an early teen plus fanfiction without knowing it too. Then in my late teens I found fanfiction online and the writing thing exploded even more.
I've always got a story to tell and the fact that there are people who seem to enjoy reading what i'm writing? KICKS ASS!

yanzadracan gave me

I don't particularly feel very strong right now. In fact, it's much more the opposite - I feel pretty damn weak and pathetic at the moment. People keep telling me I'm strong though, cos I'm fighting all this shit that's going on in my head but no, I really don't feel it.

Seriously, it's one of those things that I'm wondering exactly how it was I survived before I had it. We're even talking I'm thinking of switching to Vodafone just so I can receive updates as well as just making them!
I'm very much what you see is what you get. And I say pretty much anything that goes through my head - as anyone who ever talks to me on MSN or AIM can attest to and that's kinda how I use twitter as well. Plus its fab for keeping in touch... its like free sms messages to friends overseas! :D
Also, I've made lots of friends using it, friends of friends etc

*raises hand and waves, grinning*
that would be me, yes
I generally tend to refer to myself as a dork - hence my Lil Miss MorganDork MSN name - but I definitely have geek tendencies. I geek out quite happily all the time. Most recently was ZOMG MARGOT KIDDER IN SMALLVILLE PLAYING A CHARACTER WHO WORKS WITH THE CHARACTER THAT CHRISTOPHER REEVE PLAYS!
oh. And I'm not allowed in bookshops cos I geek out too much *giggles*

A wibble is the state of becoming emotionally overwhelmed--often followed by a silence because the individual is unable to find the words to speak properly

but basically... its a pretty picture or two or three cos we all need something nice to look at to start the day with :)

oh god, what else can i say about wings? We covered the bit where I love them and they make me shiver and purr.
it is more specifically angel wings - bit white feathered powerful wings. Yeah, like Winged!Christian's, really... hence that's why I write them. I mean, I write what I like after all!
Oh. Angel from X-Men. Oh yeah. Wings. Whimper.

canadiangoddess gave me:

homoflexible (you taught me this and it is AMAZING),
I was actually kinda explaining this to flippyoung at the weekend. Basically, my philosophy on life is that boys are pretty to look at but girls are fun to play with. However, there are also guys out there that have been known to literally take my breath away. But I wouldn't class myself as bi because in general, the male species do absolutely nothing for me.
Like, take Steve Carlson for example. He's... gorgeous. Aesthetically, very pleasing but even the idea of kissing him... ugh, no thank you.

I also think sexuality is fluid and that every person you meet in life will affect you differently.

God, how I would love to be pansexual.
But I'm not
So, I pretty much say I'm homosexual but... flexible for The Right Person.

vampires (you and Haven I swear)
I have loved vampires since forever. God, I remember sneaking into the cinema to see Interview when I was like 13 and all my friends came out going oh wow and I came out going 'NEED THE BOOKS'
I love Whedon's vampires and Rice's vampires. I love cheesy vampires, I love erotic vampires, bloodthirsty killer vampires. I'm about to start reading Sookie Stackhouse.
Oh, and I HATE sparklyvampires *shudders*

is good for the soul. It heals the world, I swear. It's right up there with Steve Carlson's smile
It's fun, it's harmless, it's hot... what's not to love?

evol nabler (two llama)
who, me? *looks perfectly innocent* i'm sure I don't know what you're talking about... are you sure you're not confusing me with havenward or honeyjojames or elebridith because they're the evol nabler's, i'm just an innocent lil llama!
but damn the fics you been writing me on comment_fic have been worth it!

yup, that's me! :D
According to my mum, I met my first llama - and fell in love - before I even started school. I grew up in farmland... well a strange cross between farming village and tourist place. My dad's cousin John had a farm, that was also part of a working/museum type place. And when I was about 4 or 5 he got a llama, so dad and I went down to see this strange creature and... oh it was love at first sight and I wanted to take it home with me!
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