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Jun 20, 2009 22:55

  • 00:58 My Daily Twittascope - #
  • 07:45 and that was me crashed out for another 10 hours... i hate being this tired all the time! :( #
  • 07:52 seriously, my lap is not big enough for two cats. you would have thought enkil and nebi would have worked this out before now! #
  • 09:48 am pleased to report have remembered how to dress myself today #
  • 10:26 you know there's something wrong with the world when the corner shop is cheaper than Tesco... #
  • 14:26 yikes! the spacebar just fell off poor starduck... i got it back on ok but damn that was a moment of sheer panic #
  • 16:00 do i want chocolate enough to ventue outside to buy some... #
  • 16:41 *offers hugs, caffeine and chocolate croissants to all those just waking up* #
  • 17:29 The Janitor from Scrubs doesn't look right when he's not playing The Janitor... #
  • 17:58 i hate side effects *pout* #
  • 18:33 how is it only 6:30? it's been such a LONG day! #
  • 20:10 SERIOUSLY... that's how they ended Smallville S2!?!!??!! #
  • 20:13 SQUEE opening scene of Season 3 and they're palying good charlotte! #
  • 20:47 8:45, and i'm struggling to stay awake... this is SUCH fun! #
  • 21:31 quick poll: should horned!steve have a tail? #
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