Twitter me this, twitter me that

Jun 10, 2009 23:55

  • 02:30 My Daily Twittascope - #
  • 07:06 morning twitter. and ooh i can breathi this morning! #
  • 13:17 well this is great... another 4 hours to go and i've run out of work #
  • 13:51 my tongue hurts. i bit it when i sneezed! :( #
  • 18:01 my hand is all cramped.. not amused IN the slightest #
  • 18:10 hey guys, could you do me a favour please? could you go to and vote for Last Letter Read as Best British Newcomer #
  • 19:18 whoops starduck's battery died #
  • 19:48 why does my internet hate me so? :s #
  • 19:57 i think i'm just gonna give up, curl up and watch Smallville #
  • 20:26 i... have a download speed of 4.5kb/s... WTF?! #
  • 21:05
    mmm Benjamin is looking GOOD ♥ I'm a Joel girl sure but damn #
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