Mar 13, 2009 21:04
I'm coming to the conclusion that Friday is a weird day.
I mean it has automatic cool points for simply being Friday, and therefore being the end of the working week and the beginning of the weekend.
It also has plus points because Friday is payday.
And generally pizza day too.
And, if I'm feeling a touch flush, it's also Krispy Kreme for breakfast day. Oh yeah, I'm a healthy llama *sniggersnorts*
It's also wake up stupidly early and download Supernatural day
But... driving to work on a Friday is always... i dunno, I leave home at the same time every day. Yet, on a Friday I seem to have time to stop in at Tesco, go to the cash point, grab a donut, then go to Sainsbury's, fill Lotte up with petrol and... still get to work 10 minutes earlier than I do Mon-Thurs
HOW is that even possible, people?
Work was... well, it was a work day.
We finally started making some headway on that huge-ass backlog. We finished Monday, cleared Tuesday and are half-way through Wednesday. Just in time for, y'know, the Monday morning post.
I have no idea where all these invoices are coming from. Like, we normally get circa 800 invoices a week. Last week we had 1100. Where the hell have all the extra invoices come from? So yeah, we're struggling a little to keep on top.
AND, Colin's turned down Jeanette's training matrix and has declared he wants all of us multi-skilled by the end of MAY. 2009.
Um... has he not noticed the workload? Because, when Barbara & Helen are training me and Sandra... um... who's gonna do all the work? PLUS, also in May... we're supposed to be getting the work (that's double our existing workload!) from Ireland the end of May. Which means the new people are gonna have to start the beginning of May. Again with... when we're all having our own training AND training the new people...
*bangs head against nearest brick wall*
HOWEVER, I did notice an interesting... possible... freudian slip from Colin re: the new starters. Now, whenever the staffing levels with the Irish workload are mentioned, it's always '15 vacancies' yet when Colin was talking earlier he said '13 new starters'
13 new starts
2 current temps
15 vacancies
My fingers could not be crossed any tighter!
I did have a lovely afternoon catching up with Kirsten over email though. I've not spoken to her in what feels like forever, not properly, so that was nice.
Less nice was the panic attack I had in Sainsbury's trying to do my shopping. SO far out of my comfort zone... SO not impressed. I managed to get like 4 items in my trolley (mother's day card, birthday card for Helen, cheese and ham, in case you were wondering) and then my head was just completely all over the place and yeah, I just dumped the trolley and walked back out of the store
Not impressed at all.
Got home and then Jo and I ordered in Pizza Hut - couldn't really afford it but it was utterly delicious (I had a meaty BBQ - Chicken, BBQ sauce, Tomato and Onion) although I am wondering how I'm supposed to pay for... uh.. .anything... this week.
Then, we curled up on her bed with Supernatural and Bones. And flailed lots. And loved shows.
Was a fantastic evening and it'd been far too long since we'd done that. I really enjoyed myself :)
That was about it for today. I'm now curled up downloading the other night's ep of Criminal Minds, chatting on MSN, pondering fanfiction and generally being a little sleepy (caused byt the whole being awake at stupid o'clock issue)
I mentioned rambly llama is rambly, right?