(no subject)

Dec 15, 2008 20:24

I swear phantisma is trying to kill me!
Today's comment porn prompt?
Devils and Angels - and we all know exactly how much of a wing!kink this lil llama has...
Mind, after the day I've had? Methinks some wing!porn is EXACTLY what the doctor ordered.

Today, let's just say today has been a Monday.

It took me three attempts to leave the house this morning.
Now, I work in a casual office - in my jeans an DCMA shirt - so took my suit out of the wardrobe, packed it.... an promptly left the house. Went back in, grabbed suit, got back to car and hadn't got my phone. *facepalm* Go back in, back upstairs, grab phone, back to car.. oh shit, not got car keys.
So much for getting in at 8, then?

Get to work and that portion of the day is fine - lots of chatting to havenward and bellasianna over email, lots of research and plotting for fic.
Oh, and some of that pesky work stuff too haha.

Got my pay from two weeks ago sorted, which is a HUGE relief.

Also got hold of Legrand and found out how to get to their building, which naturally helped with the whle having an interview there thing.
Said interview went pretty damn well. The company definitely has the kind of people-led attitude that attracts me to work for them, everyone I spoke to was friendly, interviewing manager was very enthusiastic and easy to talk to.
Supposed to hear either tomorrow or Wednesday and it's to start on Jan 5th
Fingers, toes and everything are tightly crossed on this one!

Disaster struck on the way home mind. Or should that be some stupid fucking cow who wasn't paying any attention when pulling out of a roundabout struck. Lotte, she struck. Barely scrathed her thank God - mainly due to me having a) fucking good reflexes and b) fucking good brakes.
So, me & Lots are toddling around roundabout about to exit onto Pershore Road. This woman comes off the A4540, doesn't slow down, doesn't look, just pulls straight out and literally we came to rest and her nose was touching my passenger door!
Still a little shaken over that one, tbh!


and I'm going to spend the evening curled up in my nest and hopefully reading some nice porny fic, methinks

christian kane, the morning wibble, john barrowman, interview, livejournal, work, freema agyeman, steve carlson, car, fanfiction, david tennant, life, friends

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