Had the WEIRDEST dream last night: something to do with the TARDIS being in Steve's garden and a wall that talked to Sam Winchester. Castiel was in it. Bela Talbot was in it. Chris & Steve were hunters. And Riley was a demon.
Yeah, I dunno.
Still feeling rather meh and listless. Think I should probably have a shower and wash my hair though honestly feels a little too much like effort. Actually went to bed at a decent time last night (like half 10 after watching NCIS) and only woke up twice which is much better.
I keep watching random episodes of NCIS. Do rather think that when I have a decent working computer, I could be uhh acquiring a LOT more.
Did I mention the sheer and utter love of Abby?
She is love. She is adorable and hot and sexy and cute and did rather make this llama wibble, to be perfectly honest
Lex did me a card reading that was scarily scarily accurate and told me pretty much what I already know. In a way this is a good thing but at the same time doesn't help because doing what I'm doing doesn't feel quite right, y'know?
Anyway, I probably ought to get out of bed since I need to leave th house in 9 minutes... but whats making that difficult is knowing there's no work.
Literally, none
We're completely up-to-date with invoices right now. As in we'll be sitting thumb-twiddling til lunch.
This is scary to a temp as no work = no job.
So, y'know, feel free to email/prompt fic? paula [dot] glover [at] severntrent [dot] co [dot] uk
(just remember to keep it clean, yeah? oh, and if i dont reply, it got caught up somewhere in the firewall which is very rude of it!)
Right. Work
Leaving you with a picture that honest to god took my fucking breath away last night