As if being as sick as I was all last week wasn't quite enough, I've woken up this morning with a stinking great cold. Wonder-fucking-ful. *snuffles*
Oh the joys of working in an air-conditioned office... see, people, this is why when you're sick/infectious, you take time off until you're not so you don't infect the rest of the fucking office *grumbles and bitches*
I'm still stupidly tired from last week and now seriously, all I wanna do is sleep. Ugh.
I'm also sick to the back teeth of being fucking cold.
Anyways... that's enough whinging methinks. I'm just gonna post
and take me sleepy cold ass to work. And pray someone's fixed the hot chocolate in the vending machine - because seriously, a chocomilk without the chocolate just don't cut it!